On 23 Feb 2012 at 4:28pm The Boy Bernie wrote:
Just had a look at it and I'm confused. The implication is that there won't be a cinema in Lewes any more. Is that right? Reading threads here I got the impression there would be.
Comments on the petition reveal I'm not the only one confused, so can someone clarify, is the petition to save "Lewes Cinema Ltd" or to "save the showing of films in Lewes"?
The ambiguity makes me question the value of the whole peition.
On 23 Feb 2012 at 11:17pm Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
There will still be cinema in Lewes - the Town Council is planning to run a similar operation to that run by Lewes Cinema. The petition is to 'save Lewes Cinema LTd'
On 24 Feb 2012 at 6:04am Helper wrote:
Strange that you should be confused when many of the comments clearly say that they don't want the council to take over the running of the cinema and the wording of the petition is about having their screenings 'taken over'. With all the press and coverage it should have been clear to you..
Lewes Cinema customers, the general public and even film club members are in no doubt - the council is stealing the Lewes Cinema business with the assistance of the film club - without consultation, and that is what has made people mad.
On 24 Feb 2012 at 9:53am bonzodog wrote:
Oh Helper methinks you doth protest too much. Lewes Film Club will be running the cinema as agents for the Town Council. The Cinema as such is not closing and you have carefully engineered things to make it look as though it is. The Boy Bernie is right to question the ambiguity. Cinema will remain open. Your petition is more about saving the skin of Lewes Cinema Ltd, - not saving Cinema in Lewes. And this is not the first time ambiguity haspplayed a part in Lewes Cinema Ltd's campaigns.
On 24 Feb 2012 at 10:07am kettle wrote:
I just don't understand why you guys think it's ok for the council to take over someone's business. It doesn't make any sense and if it was done with other businesses in the town I think that a lot of people would be objecting.
Why should the Lewes Cinema be any different. They have built up the business. The council should not be able to take it away.
It's mad.
On 24 Feb 2012 at 2:41pm Helper wrote:
Kettle, probably because Bozodog is part of the film club who suggested the idea in the first place and the film club will receive a payment for each and every screening - that's why THEY think its ok. Nobody else does.
It stinks and is a terrible anti-business message from the town council.
As somebody pointed-out in an excellent letter to the Sussex Express recently - what next? The council to take over Bill's, install more comfortable seating and then operate it themselves?
On 24 Feb 2012 at 2:45pm Helper wrote:
Oh and by the way Bozodog, the bare facts are a disgrace, they didn't have to 'engineer' them at all.
On 24 Feb 2012 at 3:54pm Rods Tiger wrote:
"that's why THEY think its ok. Nobody else does."
I'm not a member of Lewes Film Club and I think it's OK too. Lewes Cinema has not entered into any long term agreement with the council and just rented space by the hour.
I wasn't aware that Bill's was operating in council property, so why is it used as a comparison ?
On 24 Feb 2012 at 4:22pm Helper wrote:
The comparison with Bills was made in a letter written to the Express - didn't I say that already? But if you don;t like that comparison then why consider any of the other businesses that operate from within the All Saints - all ripe for take-over? If you think it's ok to take over a successful and popular service in this way then you are certainly in a minority. They operated a cinema service from the All Saints centre - and whether they paid by the decade, by the year, by the hour or by the second really has nothing to do with it does it? There was no regular cinema service until they came along and it is disgusting the way they have been treated.
Before they came the film club had a clear-field and chose to screen just 20 shows a year, and the council nothing - now suddenly the council and the club want to operate a cinema service that would not even exist without the current operators. To most people that feels like theft of a business.
On 24 Feb 2012 at 9:52pm bonzodog wrote:
Hey "Helper"/Kevin; YOu can't read, which probably explains a lot of your problems - I'm bonzodog - and I aint part of the Cinema Club, nor the council, afore ye start on that track.
On 25 Feb 2012 at 5:35pm Helper wrote:
Use of Bozodog was intentional, I can read perfectly thanks - I am 'helper'. Bozodog, could you explain to the unenlightened how taking over a business that somebody else has built up is fair, moral or justified?
I look forward to your bark.
On 25 Feb 2012 at 9:42pm bonzodog wrote:
Hi, Kevin's Little Helper: I saw your poster at All Saints tonight. "Save Lewes Cinema", but cinema at All Saints is quite safe. What your poster and petition should say is "Save Lewes Cinema Ltd" which of course does not have the same community ring about it. See what I mean about ambiguity? And it says "undemocratic" but the decision was taken democratically, from what I have seen, and the vote recorded so you and any-one can see who voted for and against. That seems democratic. What you mean of course is that you were not asked. But consider4ing the amount of ambiguity Lewes Cinema revels in, how would any-one have known what to make of it had your toys been thrown out of the pram. Anyway, I'm off to France for my winter holiday now, and we could certainly learn a lot from them about cinema!¬PS I am not sure what you mean about taking over your business: are you selling your shares to them then? Thank goodness, I'm away from it all now.
On 5 Mar 2012 at 5:56pm brixtonbelle wrote:
Well said bonzodog (doodah). I'm thoroughly sick of Lewes Cinema and their ambiguities which are misleading many people in Lewes. I'm off to Uckfield from now on.