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The Irish Question returns...

On 8 Feb 2016 at 12:30am NF wrote:
If the UK votes to leave the EU, every person in Northern Ireland/the north of Ireland is constitutionally entitled to Irish citizenship, and therefore to continued EU citizenship.
This could get interesting
On 8 Feb 2016 at 1:11am Kipper wrote:
We should dump the whining Irish,the Scotch and the Welsh they have been a drag on our finances for centuries.we constantly have to bail them out and they still hate us.Good riddance ,let the Germans and the French pay them their dole money instead of us English.
On 8 Feb 2016 at 6:30am Finn O'Shea wrote:
Far canal it'll make no odds to me .
On 8 Feb 2016 at 7:37am Oscar wrote:
Someone once said "How like the irish to pose a question to which there is no answer"!
On 8 Feb 2016 at 10:03am NF = No Fortitude wrote:
If the UK votes to leave the EU [insert scare story here* please note no evidence required]
* Aliens will invade
* Armageddon
* Nigel Farage will morph into a robot overlord and take over.
On 8 Feb 2016 at 12:22pm Slarty wrote:
Newell, Why does an EU citizen have to remain living in the EU and why would it be messy? It'll be no more messy that an EU citizen living outside the EU at the moment. Law of the LAND will apply, not law of the individual's native land.
Can you try better at scaremongering in the future please. I do like a panic to stay in or leave Europe. Even Dave did better this morning with "migrant camps across the South of England if we leave".
On 8 Feb 2016 at 1:40pm Clifford wrote:
And of course if we vote to leave the the EU we won't be allowed to go on holiday in France, Italy, Spain or any other EU country. They won't let us in. We may even have to leave the Eurovision Song Contest.

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