Lewes Forum thread

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The Anchor Inn Lewes.

On 5 Sep 2009 at 3:33pm suzy wrote:
The new owner is beyond obnoxious and I cannot see how this place could, or should, ever get any repeat business now.
I certainly would refuse to go back, despite the idyllic setting of this pub and the fact that it falls handily in the middle of a lovely walk.
We wanted to hire a boat from the pub - which are not cheap - for the whole day and were told that we had to buy a picnic from the pub and could not take our own! - this is hiring a boat to go potentially miles up a river on land this idiot does not even own.Clearly they have had problems in the past with people turning up and only ordering a drink and then eating a picnic in the pub garden, which is obviously not acceptable, but this is hardly the same thing when somebody might have been spending £40-50 on boat hire!
Needless to say, we decided against the idea. Amusingly, he struts around outside the front of the pub accosting people just by the little bridge over the river Ouse, telling them they cannot have a picnic on the other side of the river (again this is land which he does not own).
As to the food or beer and general ambience of the place, what makes this oaf even more of a pity is the fact that the beer certainly used to be excellent here and had enjoyed many lazy Sunday afternoons there.
Would never return whilst he is there, which hopefully will not be long.
On 6 Sep 2009 at 1:06pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
He sounds ghastly.
It's about time we arranged another forum meeting - how about a group picnic?
On 6 Sep 2009 at 8:49pm Lopster wrote:
did the plans for skinny dipping, kayaking and camping come to anything this weekend? - forum picnic sounds like a great idea - opposite bank next Sunday - nice to have a childrens recorder band, childrens violin band or drumming band practise with us too perhaps....does anybody know of one?
On 6 Sep 2009 at 9:36pm Agony Aunt wrote:
I can arrange some Tai Chi and Treehugging sessions.......
On 7 Sep 2009 at 8:40pm Bongo wrote:
LOL - let's definately do it! We should get cans or bottles from Tesco, and wave them at the landlord when he comes outside to check us out.
On 7 Sep 2009 at 10:19pm Lopster wrote:
only iffy bit is that we MIGHT need to park in his car park? could that cause a problem?
On 8 Sep 2009 at 9:27am lord landport wrote:
Maybe park in his car park order cheapest drink get a receipt and then go for a picnic. Your technically a customer then park all day stop others from doing so
etc and I doubt he'd have grounds to clamp your car etc
On 8 Sep 2009 at 8:00pm Bongo wrote:
Lime & soda's all round then
On 8 Sep 2009 at 9:42pm Hotlips wrote:
Park at Barcombe mills carpark and walk across field its only a short walk...
On 9 Sep 2009 at 11:35am Sue wrote:
Anybody looking for Bernadette and Robin the previous landlord and landlady, they are now at the Plough and Harrow at Littlington near Drusillas, lovely pub, good food and a warm welcome, chef very good
On 9 Sep 2009 at 12:38pm Hotlips wrote:
I will agree with that its a lovely pub and good food and u can take your dog in!!!!!also lovely for walking as next to the cuckmere.....
On 9 Sep 2009 at 7:28pm Too Hip wrote:
Why are landlords like that! i had the same experience there. No other type of business would run successfully treating it's customers like that. But it's very common. thank goodness there are some pubs who still know how to look after us - they usually do well.
On 9 Sep 2009 at 8:25pm Squidward wrote:
There was 'talk' of a pic nic come camping weekend a few weeks ago but it came to nothing. I don't know of any recorder/violin/drum groups but my daughter and a few of her friends are learning to play the cornet and it sounds horrendous!!!

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