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On 4 Jun 2018 at 1:57pm Clifford wrote:
Norman Tebbit writes in the Telegraph, 'Down here at Westminster, Chancellor Philip Hammond worries that the Conservative Party has lost support among younger voters and believes it must shake itself clear of the Thatcherite policies of the Eighties to keep up with the rapidly changing digital economy. Were Margaret Thatcher still alive I am sure she would agree.'

An indictment of some of the boneheaded Maggie lovers on here that they aren't so perceptive.
On 4 Jun 2018 at 2:20pm Rory wrote:
I was a young person when she was in power. The only person below 30 I ever heard say a good thing about her was
William Hague!
Old people vote more however.
On 4 Jun 2018 at 2:26pm milk snatcher wrote:
I can say a couple of things I liked about her. You knew where you were with her, no spin or changing course in mid stream. If she said she'd do something then it was as good as done.
The other is she sold off council houses and I bought mine for £18,000 and sold it for £190,000 25 years later.
On 4 Jun 2018 at 2:32pm Cliffsadick wrote:
Usual old tosh from Clifford complete with standard arrogant sideswipe
On 4 Jun 2018 at 2:56pm So... wrote:
You think that kids these days are really into 80s Thatcherite policies and that's exactly what's needed to stop them all voting Corbyn and keeping the Tories out of power for a generation?
On 4 Jun 2018 at 3:29pm Blair was blue wrote:
You do know she left power nearly 30 years ago don't you?. Says an awful lot about the success of Blair and co that Thatcher is still being blamed for all of the problems today.....
On 4 Jun 2018 at 4:55pm Mavis wrote:
Its surprising isn't it, what with the price of property in Lewes there are still a few staunch Labour supporters lingering around !! A fairly wealthy, more mature and stable population who really are more likely to vote Tory rather than the other parties. They say empty barrels make the more noise, Its true.
On 4 Jun 2018 at 6:42pm Ghost of Maggie wrote:
On 4 Jun 2018 at 6:42pm Clifford wrote:
Blair was blue wrote: 'You do know she left power nearly 30 years ago don't you?'

'Late in 2002 Lady Thatcher came to Hampshire to speak at a dinner for me. Taking her round at the reception one of the guests asked her what was her greatest achievement. She replied, "Tony Blair and New Labour."'
On 4 Jun 2018 at 7:31pm @mavis wrote:
Empty vessels not barrels.
On 4 Jun 2018 at 8:27pm the truth wrote:
She was responsible for the banking crisis and the housing problems today. She de-regulated the banks which was a short term approach to wealth creation, the public pay for the collapse of banking. Now we have to step back and split the banks into retail and investment banks. Full circle. Joe public are the ones to suffer. As for housing she changed the rules on home ownership (council housing) - now we have no housing for the younger generation (either private - too expensive, "council" houses - hardly exist now). The winners have been the politicians and the establishment......
On 4 Jun 2018 at 8:47pm @@mavis wrote:
Isn't a barrel a vessel ?
On 4 Jun 2018 at 11:11pm William Hague looks like wrote:
The Mekon in the Dan Dare comic strip
On 5 Jun 2018 at 9:32am Short memory wrote:
Thatcher was responsible for the standard of living we all enjoy today
If you saw the tv series ‘a very British scandal’ you’ll be reminded that pre thatcher everything was brown and nothing worked
The average person didn’t drive an Audi and own a buy-to-let
I’m sure Clifford would like to endure the seventies again but I certainly wouldn’t
On 5 Jun 2018 at 11:17am Fairmeadow wrote:
The average person still doesn't own an Audi or own a buy-to-let.
Before Thatcher's destruction of UK industry we still had British cars.
On 5 Jun 2018 at 11:48am Leyland wrote:
Yes Fairmeadow, and they were absolute garbage. I will accept that Thatcher killed off the inefficient, loss making, lazy ass industries, and thank god she did. I am old enough to remember the winter of discontent and the 3 day week. The country was a basket case and while it's far from perfect now, I know which period I would rather be living in. Blair and NuLaboir had 15 years to reverse the 'damage' that Thatcher did, instead he embraced her policies, and guess what?, People kept voting them back in.
On 5 Jun 2018 at 2:46pm Short memory wrote:
Indeed Leyland blair carried on the Thatcher policy of giving people what they want. Simple really. Now Fairmeadow, do you still want that Austin Allegro…?
On 6 Jun 2018 at 6:34am Fairmeadow wrote:
I did indeed at different times own a minivan, an Austin 1300, a Morris Ital and even, briefly, a Metro. I even used to drive my mother's Allegro. I usef to enjoy my regular chats with RAC repairmen, and learned a lot from them. Sadly such simple pleasures have rather disappeared from my life over the last 25 years as a Toyota driver, and I wouldn't have a clue what to do if the current car ever went wrong. Built in Derby of course - we can make brilliant cars in England.
On 9 Jun 2018 at 12:50am Thatcher is wrote:
A c**t

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