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Taking back control

On 25 Aug 2019 at 11:25am Mark wrote:
So Boris hopes to create a trade deal with the USA.... This is what happened in Canada as a result of the trade deal that they signed with the USA. An American firm telling the government what it can and can't do.

Check it out here »
On 25 Aug 2019 at 11:34am Green Sleeves wrote:
Oh yes, this is what we have to look forward to...a trade deal cooked up by two compulsive liars. A pair of incompetent fops who've stumbled their way into power (neither by a popular vote from the entire public), and have totally devalued the stigma of being so blatantly dishonest. What a time to be alive for the antisocial types. Principles are not an effective way to get into power it would seem.
On 28 Aug 2019 at 8:17pm Tom Pain wrote:
When you see trump's record as as business man - it looks as if he made a loss on just about every venture he went into, what could account for his"success"? I can only think that he is a walking money laundry. If you consider the word trumpery - adjective- showy but worthless, there you have it. Like Boris he was put into place and I don't think democracy had anything to do with it. Anyway,are they any more venial than Blair? With the information available on the internet these days it's easy to find out what a parcel of rogues we've had to lead us from time immemorial. Plus ca change.

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