Lewes Forum thread

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Tactical Voting

On 20 Apr 2024 at 9:35pm Anonymous wrote:
I hope (and the polls suggest) that I am not alone in wanting to remove the mandate from this inept conservative government. I am concerned to see however that the Lewes constituency has never voted in a Labour MP and is traditionally blue, with a short interlude of Lib-Dem. I wonder if anyone has any input on this matter? Should I vote Lib-Dem to get the Conservatives out, or should I forget tactics and vote for the Labour Party?
On 22 Apr 2024 at 9:27am The Old Mayor wrote:
I should imagine that the house prices should give a clue to the way people vote. The major problem is the unelected current prime minister. What the country needs is a leader rather than a pleaser, (not saying Sunak is either !) Tactical voting never really works, but it can send a message.

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