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Super State Snooping

On 11 Apr 2012 at 4:15am Paul Newman wrote:
I have noticed a certain amount of vestigial liberalism hereabouts in response to the latest state snooping initiative ( emails etc.) , well done. This is not of course anything like as dreadful as the last governments plans to create a giant data base and ID cards ( which our passports more or less are anyway now )
I wonder if you are aware how little choice we really have
Internet service providers (ISPs) are already obliged to keep details of users' web access, email and internet phone calls for 12 months, under an EU directive from 2009.The sender, recipient, time of communication and geographical location has to be recorded.
The proposed new law would only extend those requirements to social networking sites and internet phone services such as Skype.

Ha bitter ha , just thought I `d mention it .
On 11 Apr 2012 at 8:21am Pete wrote:
Vestigial liberalism = undeveloped (aka numpty Liberals) Well said Paul ! I sort of side with Paul (I'm turning slowly to the dark side), because let's face it, the government probably has more info on us than they can shake a stick to, so what's a little more gonna do ?
On 11 Apr 2012 at 9:52am Cliffite wrote:
The main part which you neglect to mention is that this new proposal would allow access to this increased data without a court order. Under the guise of tackling terrorism, local councils and copyright holders could leverage access. The other main issue is that government (of all varieties) have shown time and time again that they are completely incompetent at maintaining data security.
Although to be fair, more people could learn the simple truth of "if you don't want it public, don't share it" - this data, to a certain extent, can only be composed of what you make public on the internet!
On 11 Apr 2012 at 11:02am Paul Newman wrote:
I don`t see any difficulty in getting a court order do you Cliffite but if you are under the impression I support this ghastly EU invasion of the private domain you are mistaken. The true genesis if it all makes Clegg`s promise of Parliamentary time ring hollow though, doesn`t it
On 11 Apr 2012 at 11:38am Peter Pan wrote:
Just another good reason to buy a old Bus and live down the Phoenix and say sod them all
On 12 Apr 2012 at 1:18pm Cheeky Monkey wrote:
Its all part of the grand plan to control us all. One nation, one world, one currency, one party, no cash, no freedom, digital everything, biometrics. My kids had their fingerprints taken at primary school to allow them to use the school library. I objected, (the head looked at me as if I was bonkers) and insisted that their fingerprints were removed from the data base. "They" are softening up the children now as us adults wont let them do it to us. The next generation will be in "their" thrall before they've had their first pint, sorry, 500ml of Harveys.

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