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Styles field

On 15 Apr 2021 at 5:37pm Bobbyg wrote:
Does anyone know anything about this relatively new housing development in the centre of Lewes? It seems to want to bill itself as luxury but is really a scandal consisting entirely of extremely shoddy building work. I have only been tempted to write something on here after seeing a property for sale there for a £1 million. The houses and flats are in a dire state and the quality of work done on them would be laughable if it wasn’t for the fact people have been completely conned out of a lot of money by those responsible for these properties. Just wondering what others on here might know about it and whether any justice is going to be served to those who are behind it.
On 15 Apr 2021 at 11:59pm TheGardener wrote:
I sneaked in one night during construction phase.
Wanted to inspect building quality. I saw enough first fix work to put me off taking it any further.
On 16 Apr 2021 at 3:15pm Tom Pain wrote:
Is that off Friars Walk?
On 16 Apr 2021 at 3:29pm Bobbyg wrote:
Yes, that’s the one.
There are numerous issues with first fix work.
On 19 Apr 2021 at 5:42pm Bobbyg wrote:
....I just find it shocking that companies can get away with what they have done. I didn’t know if others had heard similar accounts of the place.
On 19 Apr 2021 at 6:59pm Nevillman wrote:
Only leasehold as well so you may have to buy a lease as well. Plus maintenance.
On 19 Apr 2021 at 11:24pm Local99 wrote:
So did you buy one, bobby?
On 20 Apr 2021 at 8:59am IDM wrote:
I don't know about first fix work. But the ones on the left going down to the library have weird scourgings on many bricks and strange vertical slots in the bonding (about first floor). One wonders if there might be peculiarities indoors as well.
A few days ago I ran into a guy carrying a heavy-looking parcel around asking where No21 was. I had no idea; but if I had paid £x for one of these, it would be good if deliveries/nurses/taxis could actually find me. The site needs a map.
It's a bit naughty to prominently say "Private Road", to put people off using the right of way. The gate in the archway right at the top was locked shut for a few months,but they were forced to reopen it.
I love the tiny writing on the "No Parking" signs. One has to leave one's parked vehicle to get close enough to read it!
On 29 Apr 2021 at 6:20pm Dr. Livingstone wrote:
I don't know about the scourgings of the bricks - but open perps a.k.a weep holes aren't strange, they would be on mathematical tiles though. Why isn't it named Symes' Field ?
On 30 Apr 2021 at 2:36pm IDM wrote:
The weep holes are only in the two lowest blocks downhill. There aren't any in the blocks further uphill. That's why I thought it was strange.

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