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Stranger danger

On 24 Jun 2012 at 12:11pm Eloise wrote:
Keep an eye out for a suspicious looking character hanging around the area by Malling school in a silver Mercedes. S350 UH?.
Seen a few times recently. Might be kosher but.....
On 24 Jun 2012 at 2:33pm You never know wrote:
I see a lot of suspicious looking cars driving up and down the road outside Malling School. They all seem to be white cars with funny shiny bits down the side and lights on top, maybe some kind of organised gang?

You do know that posting someone's number plate online and accusing them of being a paedophile is potentially slanderous or libelous or something and webbo is legally obliged to disclose your IP address to anyone looking to take you to court over it right? If it turns out to be a new teacher taking a look at the place before accepting a job or a property developer thinking of things to build on the playing fields then you could end up in a fair bit of trouble and heavily out of pocket.

I'd also suggest that someone looking to abduct a kid from outside a school no more than 250 yards from the police headquarters is either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid, possibly both. I didn't realise that randomly snatching kids off the street was still a thing, especially this far from the Goring-Littlehampton paedophile belt.
On 24 Jun 2012 at 4:01pm Southover Queen wrote:
Thank you for saying what I was thinking, "You never know". Eloise, if you're worried about it go and talk to the school or even to the police. Encouraging vigilantism (which is potentially what this is) is not to be recommended.
On 24 Jun 2012 at 6:34pm Eloise wrote:
Webbo please.remove this thread. Just concerned and probably over reacting. No offence intended.
Will take Southover Queens advice.
On 24 Jun 2012 at 8:07pm Old Cynic wrote:
That's a covert police car - see it frequently going up and down with big fat rozzers in it
On 24 Jun 2012 at 8:46pm Ffs wrote:
For gods sake whatever you do don't take the advice of the droning wind bag sq. we 'll never here the end of it.
On 24 Jun 2012 at 10:19pm Southover Queen wrote:
It is my greatest pleasure to get up your nose, ffs. I wonder whether you'd mind explaining what in particular you objected to in my post above?
On 25 Jun 2012 at 6:56am Sceptic wrote:
Eloise I truly believe your intentions were good and in this day and age it pays to be vigilant. Also ' You never know' S350 is a model number and not a registration number. However it is good advice to mention it to the school.
On 25 Jun 2012 at 7:07am Harry wrote:
I know someone with an S reg merc (not sure of the rest of the reg). He works at Police HQ and is just trying to find somewhere to park.
Eloise, your posting has no place here. If you have any genuine reason for concern, you should go to the police.
On 25 Jun 2012 at 8:00am Earl of Lewes wrote:
I agree with the words of caution. Aside from the fact that most children are assaulted by someone they know, not strangers, it's dangerous to spread rumours like this.

As far as telling the police goes, my only experience of them in this area has been very positive. When some schoolkids were being followed by someone last autumn, the police took it very seriously and put some undercover people on the case. It was resolved successfully.

On 25 Jun 2012 at 6:42pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I once reported a suspicious car to the police. They phoned me back to tell me it was police officers on surveillance!

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