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Strange people - Malling Street

On 24 Jul 2018 at 2:47pm Dixie Normus wrote:
Last week I saw two strange people on Malling Street, they were dressed in high vis tops, one with a pad and another with what looked like a speed gun (could have been a hair dryer).
To add to the strangeness of it all, they had put up a 30 sign (painted by a child) in the national speed limit (60 zone) right outside M&S. Are they trying to de-fraud money out of drivers travelling over 30 in a 60?
On 24 Jul 2018 at 2:50pm wanderer wrote:
That's because it is a 30mph zone numpty.
The zone lifts once your through the tunnel buy Cliffe industrial and one you pass earwig corner heading towards Uckfield
On 24 Jul 2018 at 2:52pm Earl of Lewess wrote:
It's 30mph in Malling Street and surely you must have seen the 'Speedwatch' people before. I don't know if they have any jurisdiction, but their presence makes drivers more aware of the limit.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 4:44pm They work well in wrote:
Etchingham - I used to see them regularly. Fair play to them.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 6:20pm @dixienormas wrote:
Firstly, if you tell people you have a big one, you definitely don't. Secondly, if you read your highway code you would know how to identify speed limits without signage. They will teach you this when you are on your speed awareness course after being nicked doing 60 through Malling.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 9:01pm Metatron wrote:
@@dixienormous, if you doing 60 in Maling High steet your twice the speed limit and will be disqualified from driving for min 1 year assuming there are any plod around to catch you.
On 25 Jul 2018 at 12:37pm Percy Thrower wrote:
Dixie Normus I think they are just trying to get people to stick to the legal 30 mph speed limit as ESCC and the police haven't been enforcing the speed limit. Because it's an A road, they get of HGVs which can cause noise and vibration, particularly if the road surface isn't in good condition. it could partly be a problem, because although the Highway Code says that the tall lamp posts indicate a 30 mph speed limit for a residential area, these only went up a about three years ago, continental HGV drivers do not have to know the UK Highway code, plus many locals knew this section as a 40 mph limit for many years. It has never been 60 mph, or not when I was a kid anyway some 50 years ago. Part of the problem also is that it doesn't look very residential, but it is. There are lots of new developments, plus there are school kids crossing the road every day. Also a lot of locals like to use the path in Wheatsheaf Gardens, plus Mill Road to walk their dogs...It really is time that this area had the same respect as other parts of the town. Malling used to be separate to Lewes, as did the Cliffe, but that was many, many years ago! Personally I'd like to see better public transport and a more frequent bus service. I'm sure that many short trips would be made by bus if it was reasonably priced and more frequent. The same goes for Landport, and the Neville... We have lots of kids, and older locals who struggle to get up and down the hills and into town, school, services etc!
On 25 Jul 2018 at 4:34pm White van man wrote:
@ Percy Thrower- Continental and other visiting drivers DO have to know the law. They can be fined for speeding just like anyone else.
On 25 Jul 2018 at 5:01pm Percy Thrower wrote:
You're right in that they don't have to pass the UK test, but then there is no check on whether they know the code. A friend was blind-sided by a large lorry in Rottingdean recently, and the police said they could only do something if he had both number plates recorded. The lorries have one for use in the UK, and a different one.
On 26 Jul 2018 at 4:54pm wanderer wrote:
Percy your sort of correct, lorries from abroad have two plates one on the tractor unit which is the plate of the company and the trailer has its own plate unlike UK vehicles which the same plate is used for the entire vehicle

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