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Step up Labour

On 31 Mar 2016 at 1:35pm Redballs wrote:
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Party.
Come on Labour get your act together so there can be a proper opposition to these cretins that are running our country into the ground.
The future of Steel production about to be decimated, whilst the bloody government minister in charge is on holiday and can't get back till Friday.
We can't do anything because of the EU laws.
Someone sort this mess out.
On 31 Mar 2016 at 2:14pm pn wrote:
Tata Steel is losing £1 million a day and employs 15,000 people, out of a total of 31.42 million in work .10,000 people lose or quit their jobs every day and every single day, the economy creates 1,309 more jobs than it destroys, most of them full time.
Ordinary people do not have a job for life and have not had that that sort of security for a long time , and yet it is suggested they fund this enterprise as if it were some sort of theme park.

We have done all this before and it all failed
Why is this even being discussed?
Mind you that is not to say that the absence of s credible opposition isn`t a disaster - not in this case though
On 31 Mar 2016 at 2:36pm Agree wrote:
China have dumped more steel in last two years than uk has produced in last 50.
EU would block any attempt at re-nationalisation.
US have hiked tariffs to 266% to stop this - we have given away this power to eu and for what?
These decisions must be returned to the uk it's insanity carry on with this stupid one size fits all policy that is destroying the continent and us
On 31 Mar 2016 at 3:47pm notforthelikesofus wrote:
The EU wanted to raise tariffs on Chinese steel to help European producers but was blocked by a loose alliance formed by the UK government.
The Tory party are more interested in helping the Chinese Communist party than British industry.
On 31 Mar 2016 at 4:40pm Ghost of Maggie wrote:
Just rejoice and be thankful that they upheld the Free Market Economy.
On 31 Mar 2016 at 6:31pm Paul Newman wrote:
The EU has generally been at the forefront of moves to reduce world tarrifs which is one of the good things about it. As many of its members are far less reliant on Trade than us , there is bound to be a difference of emphasis .
That’s all fair enough but I frankly don`t follow the logic of most of these comments , are you suggesting as trade war with China or increasing UK prices to protect one small employer ? Perhaps I have to wrong perhaps you would like to send taxes or duties to the aid of anyone losing their job?
As I said Tata Steel is (losing £1 million a day )employs 15,000 people, out of a total of 31.42 million in work .10,000 people lose or quit their jobs every day and every single day
Why are these jobs so much more important than anyone else’s

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