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Stay or Go Now - EU

On 12 Oct 2015 at 6:31pm x Marks the Spot wrote:
Do you want Britain to become apart of the European Grand Plan to impose their intolerable rules & regulations on Britain?
I for one certainly do..er..Not!
On 12 Oct 2015 at 6:51pm Outinthestates wrote:
I would say come out to save paying the daily quota to the eec but I fear that most of the rules and regulations will still stay in place to allow us to trade with other countries . The human rights bill needs revisiting though it's weighted to heavily in the perpetrators favour
On 12 Oct 2015 at 6:51pm Outinthestates wrote:
I would say come out to save paying the daily quota to the eec but I fear that most of the rules and regulations will still stay in place to allow us to trade with other countries . The human rights bill needs revisiting though it's weighted to heavily in the perpetrators favour
On 12 Oct 2015 at 7:07pm x Spot wrote:
Should read: 'impose their intolerable & 'daft' rules & regulations on Britain'..
On 12 Oct 2015 at 7:37pm Not a little Englander wrote:
Stay in. Idiotic to even contemplate leaving.
On 12 Oct 2015 at 8:15pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
I have mixed feelings. In the 1970s referendum, we voted to remain in a trading organization, not something that has turned into a combination of the Roman Empire and the Eurovision Song Contest. I think small is beautiful. Independence for Sussex!
On 12 Oct 2015 at 10:07pm Selfish Git wrote:
Independence for Sussex? And be ruled by a Conservative majority for ever and a day? Independence for Lewes more like - we certainly need independence from the LDC
On 12 Oct 2015 at 11:16pm Mavis wrote:
Basically we are not not a poor country, but being bandied with 28 others of which the majority are, can only be a drain on us. However way they spin it. We can be self supporting, maybe we could start our own, oh yes, we did 'The Commonwealth' !!
On 13 Oct 2015 at 6:07am King of Sussex wrote:
I don't what the point is in raising this issue, whether or not the UK stays in the EU depends entirely on which will most benefit the bank accounts of our ruling elite.
They'll tell you what to think, and lie to you about how what they've decided will be best for you, and just like you always have done, you'll go along with it.
Whatever you think you want, it just doesn't matter. Just like the population of China, which Jeremy Hunt wants you all to be more like.
On 13 Oct 2015 at 7:08am Achilles wrote:
Cameron never meant a referendum to happen and Boris is just posturing for the leadership. Politicians of all parties have their owners and they are the higher tier.
When you are part of a corrupt institution the best strategy is to use it to your advantage rather than try to reform it. As the EU expands it will develop into blocs like in the UN who vote with and against each other in predictable ways. We just need to do corruption and bribery better.
On 13 Oct 2015 at 8:41am Voice Of Reason wrote:
'a combination of the Roman Empire and the Eurovision Song Contest.'- Excellent work Earl Of S LOL as they say ....
When, in the early sixties we drew closer to Europe (remember the referendum was on whether to stay in ) the country that suffered the most was New Zealand
New Zealand, even then was sending half its exports to the “Mother country” where, by cosy arrangement we were over charged. They found new markets but not at the old protected prices and New Zeeland’s economy imploded (aided by Stalinist centralising economic policies that exacerbated the issues .)
In the end New Zealand became one of the only countries to reach a point of Western affluence and slide back losing over half its GDP. Imagine that!!! It took decades to re-invent the economy during which time appalling misery was suffered of a sort we are now familiar with in Greece and Spain.

Europe is our largest market the effect of the freedom of financial services act has been to direct our largest sectors towards it and there are few people whose employment will be unaffected .
It may be ( who knows) that in twenty years it would end up being a marginally good thing to leave the EU but for anyone more concerned about their mortgage their children their job than "debating" to even think about it is utter insanity. You do not leave your largest market and thus far UKIP have not even offered a plan B
Do we join the EAA
Do we try and achieve multilateral trading treaties
Do we sit here and get poorer
What ?

If anyone out there who is UKipper can answer any of these questions I would be happy to hear it but the devil; will skate to work before I join this silly posturing.
On 13 Oct 2015 at 9:35am Achilles wrote:
Kippers I have met seem to be nice enough but I don't hear any depth or analysis in their views. Like my elderly parents, they think they understand the world. Really? Most of the analysts I read don't make such claims.
Kippers validate Dunning Kruger every time they speak I am afraid.
On 13 Oct 2015 at 10:44am Voice Of Reason wrote:
Agree with you Achilles I like Kippers but the plain fact is we have now been in the EU since the 60s and it would be devastating to real families and real jobs in Lewes.
I for one will have to hold my nose to vote in the same way as Polly Toynbee but there it is, we will have to be grown ups for once .
On 13 Oct 2015 at 10:59am Fake Sarah wrote:
Leaving the EU seems just as stupid as Scotland leaving the UK
On 13 Oct 2015 at 11:02am ClicketyYak wrote:
To leave would be a disaster. Millions of jobs would go practically overnight & we would lose any say in what goes on in Europe. We'd be like some grumpy old uncle at Christmas sitting on the side in a sulk cos he doesn't want to join in the board games. The rest of the world already view us as arrogant & ridiculous.
On 13 Oct 2015 at 12:00pm Metatron wrote:
"millions of jobs would go practically overnight"
The most misleading statement I think I have ever heard.
On 13 Oct 2015 at 1:26pm Voice Of Reason wrote:
Well the increased tarrifs to our main partners must cost jobs and GDP but the problem is that our economy is in no state to handle this we are already on full blast with monetary Policy and borrowing.
That mean there is no way to sustain lost demand . That means that if one sector is badly hit it will infect the rest.
This remember is completely unknown territory, no country has ever reversed out of multiple trading agreements covering most of its trade.
Overnight may be a bit dramatic but over a year or two I `d say losing a million jobs would be on the very very optimistic side but the scary thing is there is no obvious way to stop this getting out of control.
Perhaps UKIP have an answer, but if they have they are keeping it a secret thus far
You tell me Metatron , I`m not a know all I just don`t see any other logic and I can`t stand the thought of Lewes families in crisis for entirely avoidable reasons.
I don`t like the EU but we are where we are ...
On 13 Oct 2015 at 2:25pm The big man wrote:
U K I P Was right all the right
On 13 Oct 2015 at 2:41pm The Old Mayor wrote:
If voting made any difference, it would be illegal ! Mark Twain
On 13 Oct 2015 at 4:07pm trooper wrote:
It seems to me that if we were to leave the EU totally the other 27 countries led by France and Germany would make life very very difficult for us if, for no other reason than sheer spite.
Vof Reason I agree I do not like the EU but.....
On 13 Oct 2015 at 4:20pm Herr Chancellor wrote:
Why would you say that, trooper?
On 13 Oct 2015 at 4:50pm trooper wrote:
@HC Quite simple really if we leave the club it will cause all manner of problems for the remaining members, not to mention the money they will lose, so there is price to be paid one way or another.
On 13 Oct 2015 at 8:00pm Mavis wrote:
@trooper. Why are we worried about causing the remaining countries problems, we still live in a democracy.
On 14 Oct 2015 at 2:46pm bastian wrote:
it's simple, leave and lose all your human rights, ie employment rights, the things you take for granted, not being exploited, having your food watered down and sold to you for more money, TTIP sweeping in, and chemicals being added to food/medicines/.cosmetics that may harm you in the future-or stay in and keep that protection from unscrupulous big businesses. It is stay in or end up like America/China.
When it comes to immigration, that is just used to make you scared into thinking we are being invaded, it is to make you tick the box for out at the polls, throwing the baby out with the bath water.

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