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Station parking meter

On 26 Oct 2020 at 5:52pm Patrice wrote:
On Monday 21 September 2020, I paid £7.10 to park in Lewes Station car park for the day and fed the coins into the machine and put reg number in. However, no ticket appeared. I assumed my car was registered and walked away. I’ve now received a fine of £100 for not displaying a ticket. I have appealed but it was rejected. I live in Canterbury and without driving again to Lewes to check out the car park machine again, I wonder if this has happened to anyone else?
On 28 Oct 2020 at 1:46pm Patrice wrote:
How do I access responses to my post?
On 28 Oct 2020 at 2:26pm Nevillman wrote:
Sorry Patrice, responses go directly on here it but it looks as though noone has responded. You might get more of a response from the Facebook Lewes present site. Not a site I would normally recommend due to the censorious nature of the administrator but more widely read than this site and more likely to attract people who visit Lewes station and pay to park in it.
On 28 Oct 2020 at 4:29pm Patrice wrote:
Ok thank you!
On 28 Oct 2020 at 4:52pm TheGardener wrote:
Do you still have the ticket?
Which private parking company has ‘invoiced ‘ you?
On 28 Oct 2020 at 4:53pm TheGardener wrote:
And to whom did you appeal, was it the parking co or POPLA?
On 29 Oct 2020 at 6:03pm Basil wrote:
TheGardener wrote: 'Do you still have the ticket?'

Patrice wrote, 'However, no ticket appeared.'
On 30 Oct 2020 at 5:24pm Patrice wrote:
Thank you for the responses. Saba Park Solutions is def the penalty notice and ZZPS Limited seem to be the debt collectors. There is guidance on how to deal with ZZPS but basically it’s don’t pay them. Saba are the people presumably I should be appealing to. I know I paid that fee to park and no ticket appeared. My daughter is preparing the wording for my second appeal eg provision of proof to me of the CCTV and what monies were collected from that machine which tally with the number of car registrations entered. The other email address on the penalty notice is [email protected] with a phone number which I immediately called on receiving the Notice and spoke to a very kind person called Holly who gave the impression my appeal would be upheld given the circumstances but obviously not. I’m reading and hearing that these companies are just rip off merchants and rely on threats and prevarication to get you to pay up.
On 30 Oct 2020 at 9:36pm TheGardener wrote:
Hi, your appeals will be turned down. They will, as you allude to, just give in and pay.
The only way they can make you pay is to take you to small claims court.
They will threaten you with CCJs, but all this is nonsense as a court is the only path to that happening, and only if you still didn’t pay after losing.
They do take people to court however, and usually lose. They have to be seen to do this in order to have credibility.
If you do go to court they will base their case on the fact that you failed to display a valid ticket as described clearly in the terms and conditions which will be dotted around the car park.
That you paid the fee is irrelevant.
I couldn’t guarantee a judge would find in your favour as you clearly broke the contract.
Even if you can prove that you paid, that doesn’t change anything unfortunately.
There is zero chance of anybody checking the takings at the machine and cross referencing it..
If you fancy making a hobby out of this, then google all the free advice on the forums, there are some helpful people who might know a way around this and if it’s worth the fight. It will take up a lot of your time and go on for years (yes!) ,
Good luck.
On 31 Oct 2020 at 11:51pm IDM wrote:
Take any court stuff seriously Patrice. If you say "I'll ignore a load of rubbish" and don't do anything, you might lose a court hearing by default.

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