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Spy in a bag

On 13 Nov 2013 at 2:13pm Cheeky Monkey wrote:
My god, do they think we are morons! This poor bloke was bumped off by someone. When is someone going to examine properly the link between "the crown" who all police officers serve and the incidence of cover up in the police services all over the uk.

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On 14 Nov 2013 at 12:29pm Market Street Resident wrote:
I think they're just assuming we're not going to believe anything so they may as well run with that.
If they said he was murdered, there would have to be further investigation into who or why. That investigation would end up with a false conclusion anyway.
The truth won't come out until it has to, so they may as well just put it to bed early and save all the time, money and hassle that would otherwise be wasted.
On 19 Nov 2013 at 2:08am O'Really wrote:

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