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Spice Merchant

On 25 Jan 2009 at 6:55pm peter wrote:
Spice Merchant was brilliant when I went before Christmas, good food with excellent service;going again tonight. But why doesn't it have its menus on the takeaway menus page
On 26 Jan 2009 at 10:49am Newbie wrote:
Great food, but you get rushed once you're sat down, spoils the atmosphere for me. Not much sitting over a cup of coffeee at the end .. they start hassling you, and once you've paid the bill you're marched out...
On 27 Jan 2009 at 7:11pm Kendall80 wrote:
I would hate that. Never been there but have considered it once or twice. We shoudl give it a miss judging by these comments....
On 27 Jan 2009 at 7:32pm Doubter wrote:
Well done Newbie - Peter has used that sneaky way of getting an ad for a business he is probably involved with onto this site and your comment should put a spoke in.
On 27 Jan 2009 at 11:07pm hatty wrote:
Have eaten there and not impressed with the food. Food very bland, would be great for diabetic's. Also portions very small. Sorry but will not eat there again. Shanaz is the one for me. The other one thats good is SM or is it MS,opposite the police station brilliant food and service.
On 28 Jan 2009 at 7:40am Musher wrote:
Err......that would be the Spice Merchant

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