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Southern train

On 9 Aug 2016 at 9:09am Mr happy wrote:
What a joke other countries run public transport cheaper and better then us
On 9 Aug 2016 at 9:18am Pea wrote:
Agreed! (Also...*Than)
On 9 Aug 2016 at 9:43am JMMM wrote:
I think you'll find they are heavily subsidised, but then they pay more in tax to support the subsidisation. We are the laughing stock of Europe!
On 9 Aug 2016 at 9:49am Meldrew wrote:
The RMT and ASLEF unions have an iron grip round the throats of the Southern Region train service providers, just the way "Red Robbo" ran British Leyland. So what, the weather is nice, have a few more days off. Sod the people who pay the wages. The button pressing thing is just another tea-break issue - the answer's no, what's the question?
On 9 Aug 2016 at 10:20am Clifford wrote:
Have you ever been on strike, Meldrew. Have you ever been active in a union and seen how difficult it is to convince people they have a right to strike when they have a serious grievance? Do you think workers lose money for fun? And have you any idea about management incompetence at Southern?
On 9 Aug 2016 at 11:14am Mark wrote:
That argument doesn't really work Meldrew. The service worked much better under British Rail alongside much more powerful unions.
On 9 Aug 2016 at 11:59am G o M wrote:
Just rejoice and be thankful for Meldrew.
On 9 Aug 2016 at 1:13pm Clement Attlee wrote:
@Meldrew. I think you will find that it is the DfT and Peter Wilkinson that have the iron grip around Southern's throats. The RMT made an offer in the talks to settle the dispute and Southern were told there were not there to negotiate, merely to say no. Allegedly. Peter Wilkinson is the man who stated that he wanted a punch up with the unions.
On 9 Aug 2016 at 1:59pm G o M wrote:
Wilkinson is just shadow boxing. We were the Champion.
On 9 Aug 2016 at 10:02pm The Old Mayor wrote:
Look what's happened to the Coal mines ? Killed off. Only hope they won't do the same with the railways ! I see Virgin East Coast lines are going on strike too now. My advice - if they don't like it GET ANOTHER JOB !!
On 10 Aug 2016 at 6:33am wrote:
People are always moaning about railway workers fighting for their employment. My advice - GET ANOTHER FORM OF TRANSPORT.
On 10 Aug 2016 at 8:44am Thomas wrote:
Eurostar staff now going on strike, to adjust their work/life balance, poor darlings !!!
On 10 Aug 2016 at 8:52am Sussex Jim wrote:
Thank you, Eurostar staff- nicely timed over the Bank Holiday weekend, to mess up other working peoples' work/life balance.
On 10 Aug 2016 at 10:56am Clifford wrote:
Always good to see the usual people on here favouring the North Korean or Chinese style of industrial relations - no unions, no strikes, full obedience to management. The place seems to be rife with Communists.
On 10 Aug 2016 at 12:05pm Ed Can Do wrote:
The whole point of a strike is to cause disruption to a service to force the company to negotiate, it wouldn't achieve much if they did it at a time that didn't cause any disruption would it? I agree with Clifford though, why do so many people seem to think that workers should just lie down and accept their employers forcing increasingly unappetising working conditions on them? We need more unions standing up for workers rights, not fewer.

Also who still uses the Eurostar? Flying is both quicker and cheaper by far.
On 11 Aug 2016 at 8:03am another B and B lady wrote:
Ed can do obviously has no thought for climate change and the planet. Trains are the least polluting way to get about and the Eurostar beats flying for time and comfort. The real scandal is training to Europe is sadly more expensive than flying. Shows where our priorities are I suppose - obviously not with our children's future. Taking the train, direct to the south of Fance and several other European capitals is a fantastic way to go. You should try it some time but may be prevented from doing so by the price.
On 11 Aug 2016 at 9:29am Sussex Jim wrote:
Judging by the thumbs down it appears that some readers did not realise that my post about the Eurostar strike was sarcastic.
Ed: I have used Eurostar instead of flying, for a trip to Switzerland. Now there is a country who really knows how to run railways. Clean, punctual and still serving every town and village.
On 11 Aug 2016 at 1:22pm Ed Can Do wrote:
To be fair, I have got the Eurostar to Paris before but I fly when I go to Switzerland as if you book early enough with Easyjet it can cost less to fly to Geneva than it costs to get the train to Gatwick.
On 11 Aug 2016 at 1:38pm Town Flyer wrote:
I am definitely on the side of the RMT this time. I like knowing there is a guard on the train I am on. I do not believe driver only operated trains are as safe.

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