On 17 Aug 2015 at 6:47pm The Old Mayor wrote:
Southern Water is the worst performing and polluting in the UK. Owned by a consortium of investment and pension funds from around the world. Can this be right for a UK public utility ? Milking the public for shareholders and pension funds. Wait till they discover Milk is actually cheaper than water, watch our bills rocket !
On 17 Aug 2015 at 8:07pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
No wonder our water charges are so high. They have to recover the cost of all those fines somehow.
On 18 Aug 2015 at 7:42am Muttley wrote:
"Worst performing and polluting" needs some evidence I think, because it's up against some stiff competition! As fast as I'm aware Southern was relatively good in the past compared to other Water Cos (OFWAT figures).
Their being more expensive since privatisation is a pain for all of us but isn't news. Fat chance of a return to the way things were too.
On 18 Aug 2015 at 8:01am mark2 wrote:
Muttley - there is a chance. We've just been brainwashed. As the charity ads on TV tell us clean water is a sacred necessity of life for everyone. We need to reclaim ours! How perilous to have our source in the hands of private foreign investment. Voting for Jeremy Corbyn at least opens up issues like this for discussion. we need to change a mind set mired in defeated acceptance.
On 18 Aug 2015 at 10:38am Mavis wrote:
Yes Jeremy Corbyn, Nigel Farage, the futures looking 'different' Saville Row may have to close down !!
On 18 Aug 2015 at 11:11am Trooper wrote:
We are being told that in order to get a better deal for our Broadband,Gas,Electricity,Bank,Car Insurance etc etc we should shop around. We are as I understand it totally unable to get a better deal for our water its Southern Water like it or not,I tried and that is what I was told.
On 18 Aug 2015 at 1:33pm Rejoice and be thankful wrote:
and stop moaning - in our Democracy we the people wanted Thatcher and we want Tories now
On 18 Aug 2015 at 4:08pm Muttley wrote:
mark2, thing is when Corbynettes say "renationalise" they are talking different things even among themselves. But it's guaranteed to be bloody expensive either way because you have to buy out current owners. Following that are you sure it will make things different let alone better? Huge debts still need paying and huge investment still needs to happen whoever is the owner. and there are lots of (honest) jobs involved, wages that need paying. Mind you still need experienced top-level managers too, even if now sort of public sector (check out eye watering wages and benefits for senior civil servants). May seem cynical but you got to admit it rings true that not much really changes. Not for the better anyway.
On 18 Aug 2015 at 4:31pm I don't live in Lewes... wrote:
Paid Southern Water and within days got bombarded with tele calls regarding customer survey. Why is it crap companies love customer surveys?
On 19 Aug 2015 at 8:14am bastian wrote:
If people resent the suggestion that we pay public sector pensions through taxes, why don't they resent the water companies being used as private pension pots that we all have to pay more for in our bills ( and increasingly more money is required), Thames water don't charge as much.
On 19 Aug 2015 at 7:20pm Seb wrote:
That's cuz there's more water in the Thames than the Ouse south of Barcombe.
On 19 Aug 2015 at 8:44pm Don't Talk to Me About.. wrote:
I've been trying to get Southern Water to instal a Water Meter for the past 4+ years all to no avail.
They come round to my house and look at the present supply and say 'Yes we can do that' but they never do come back.
I've lost count of the numerous phone calls to them about this and every time they say their sorry and send out another Water Inspector who say's yet again & for the never ending time that 'Yes We can do that!'.
Well I'm hear to tell you that Southern Water is absolutely Inept & Crap at their Job !!!!
On 19 Aug 2015 at 9:10pm pmm wrote:
Hear hear