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Slimming world

On 19 Jun 2013 at 2:13pm 14to10 wrote:
Hello. Has anyone been to the slimming world class that's on in Lewes either on Monday or on Tuesday evenings?
Now that summer is finally here (hurrah!) I need some help in losing weight and would like to know how you found either class eg was leader motivational; were other members friendly, did you lose well on the diet.
Thanks so much for reading this,
On 19 Jun 2013 at 3:29pm Blubber free wrote:
I go to the Tuesday night one. Nikki is a good consultant. All very friendly but there are a few that I wonder why they go. They seem to have no intention of losing weight. I lost nearly 4 stone and the actual diet is very easy to follow. You can eat lots which is good for me.
On 19 Jun 2013 at 3:29pm Blubber free wrote:
I go to the Tuesday night one. Nikki is a good consultant. All very friendly but there are a few that I wonder why they go. They seem to have no intention of losing weight. I lost nearly 4 stone and the actual diet is very easy to follow. You can eat lots which is good for me.
On 19 Jun 2013 at 4:45pm barry bethnal wrote:
why do you have to go to slimming world just dont eat as much simple as that , are you mrs munch alot
On 19 Jun 2013 at 7:49pm Dr Slim wrote:
One excellent book what I should write, is called Eat Less. Exercise More. But I fear it would be a very small book !
On 19 Jun 2013 at 11:19pm Bongo wrote:
Save your money, and follow the 5:2 regime. It's simple, safe, and very effective. I lost roughly 12 lb in my first 4 weeks, and the weight has stayed off. Now into my 2nd month, and hoping for at least an 8 lb loss.
On 20 Jun 2013 at 7:37am Lewes Lad wrote:
If only you could just eat healthy and do exercise to loose weight!
On 20 Jun 2013 at 8:24am Dr Dumb wrote:
I agree LL. I eat only salad and cycle everywhere but am about 2 stone overweight. EXPLAIN THAT ONE DR SLIM!
On 20 Jun 2013 at 11:34am Skinny Bones wrote:
It's simple Dr Dumb. You are in denial. You eat pies and crisps and chips and drink beer/wine.
On 20 Jun 2013 at 12:25pm Chubber wrote:
Bongo, how can you say the weight has stayed off when you are only in the second month of the diet? For a start that is no time at all, plus you are still on the diet, so it's obviously not going to go back on yet!
On 20 Jun 2013 at 1:44pm grafter wrote:
I did lighter life a few years ago. Lost 2 stone in 2 months. It took about 12 months to put it on again. Habits are hard to break!
On 20 Jun 2013 at 4:48pm 14210 wrote:
To all the genuine posters, thanks for taking the time to reply: I really appreciate it.
On 20 Jun 2013 at 9:27pm Bongo wrote:
Chubber, I lost that weight in February, and doing it again now in June. Haven't gained since then because I just fasted 1 day a week instead of two.
On 21 Jun 2013 at 11:01am sc wrote:
5 to 2 diet isn't safe - I'd recommend slimming world if you'd like support in losing weight!
On 21 Jun 2013 at 6:11pm Bongo wrote:
SC - absolute nonsense! There is absolutely nothing unsafe about the 5:2 regime. It helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol and, as a bonus, it helps you shift a few lb's too! The 5:2 diet is so safe, even GP's are recommending it to their patients.
On 21 Jun 2013 at 6:24pm Belladonna wrote:
The 5:2 diet costs the price of the book. Slimming world costs the price of the classes, the teacher, the food supplements, the magazines etc etc. on economics alone I'd go for the 5:2 (or 6:1)
On 22 Jun 2013 at 5:40pm Jus Sayin wrote:
Slimming world worked for me. Lost 3 stone and it's stayed off for 2 years so far. Didn't have the will power to do it from a book on my own.

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