On 8 Jul 2019 at 4:48pm Petrr wrote:
I don’t understand what all these signs that have appeared around town are about - there is one that says extinct by the cinema and another of two triangles - what is it about - protesting about animals going extinct?
On 9 Jul 2019 at 8:43am Nevillman wrote:
It is a protest about climate change which many scientists predict will lead to the extinction of many species of animals and have a devastating effect on humanity. They believe that direct action e.g. Protests, posters is the best way to get governments to bring in the legislative change necessary to stop climate change before it is too late.
On 9 Jul 2019 at 9:48am The Old Mayor wrote:
5G seems to be the largest problem to the planet currently being inflicted upon us, but no opposition or questions being raised about the harm to us, the environment. The bees have already been decimated and everyone wondering why !!! The earth will be smothered in a smog of strong electrical currents, radio and microwaves. never mind the plastic that can be see unlike these waves.
On 9 Jul 2019 at 10:21am Petrr wrote:
Thanks - why doesn’t it say that then - just has these funny symbols and stuff.
On 9 Jul 2019 at 10:33am David Stanley wrote:
I'm trying to cash in on XR. Can anyone think of products that I can sell to angry environmental mummys?
On 9 Jul 2019 at 10:34am Nevillman wrote:
I guess it's called branding Petrr. There is no evidence that 5g is harmful but it must be investigated. It has the whiff of conspiracy theory for me e.g. Millennium bug, contrails etc. I think that if extinction rebellion sides too closely with the anti 5g lobby then it risks losing credibility for its main message of climate change.
On 9 Jul 2019 at 11:12am Bert wrote:
Put your head in the microwave then nevilleman !!
On 9 Jul 2019 at 3:40pm Nevillman wrote:
Why Bert?
On 11 Jul 2019 at 3:46pm That Bloke wrote:
Nevillman, the reason the Millenium bag had so little effect is that organisations spent vast amounts of time and money changing date formats in computer code.
Chemtrails as you say is a load of crap and 5g, in common with all such signals, are of such low power as to be insignificant.
As opposed to those in a microwave oven which are intense and intended to heat things up.
Science eh?
On 11 Jul 2019 at 8:23pm Stephen Watson wrote:
That Bloke is correct. I personally fixed a millenium bug in a hospital system which could have filed blood test result under the wrong patient record and potentially, killed someone. I suspect he's also right about chemtrails and 5g. But the climate emergency and the extinction crisis are real. Desperately, horribly real. The trouble, is vast sums of money - oil money - are being spent to make you think it isn't. That money controls newspapers, TV and radio shows, think tanks, social media channels, armies of trolls and bots and politicians. It's the biggest consipiracy ever. They have many tricks They'll tell it's a hoax, or that some new techno fix will make everything ok, or that we're doomed so you needn't bother to save your kids. Any lie will do to keep you quiet and subservient and consuming as usual.
On 11 Jul 2019 at 9:02pm Bert wrote:
At least we agree we are doomed, you by climate control, me by 5G cancers. Military grade crowd control weapon frequency.
On 12 Jul 2019 at 8:19am Stephen Watson wrote:
We're not doomed - yet. We're doomed is one of many tropes designed to stop you acting. I suspect some of the conspiracy theories are being spread specifically to distract from the climate emergency which is the big one.
As for 5G being 'military grade' - so is a microwave oven, it uses technology first designed for WW2 radars. Much of our technology starts life in the military, because of the huge budgets spent there. The real problem of 5G is the 'Internet of Things' which it's supposed to enable - IoT looks like a seriously stupid idea to me, but that's a different issue.