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Should this forum be like all the others?

On 9 Aug 2006 at 11:55pm The Webmaster wrote:
I was just wondering if the users of this forum think it should be more like other forums.
ie. idividual threads and all the other bells and whistles.
Personally I like the openness and immediacy of this format but I would like to know what you lot think
On 10 Aug 2006 at 6:29pm Chav wrote:
You keep it as it is webbo, except you could perhaps make it possible to post pics, then the chicks could take a butchers at my baby face good looks, then join the queue to be seen with me out side the charky.
On 10 Aug 2006 at 6:32pm Chav wrote:
Oh yeah and any chance of some burberry stripes down the sides of the page?
On 12 Aug 2006 at 4:33pm MC wrote:
I like the normal forums 'cos you can have profiles, post message but mostly because I can search the whole forum to find anything ever posted to the forum.
I'd really like to see that here. I don't like the way this forum only shows threads from the last few weeks and that once a thread disappears off the bottom of the page it has gone for ever. This means that this forum has no history over and above that held in current users heads.
I think the forum should be paginated and include a search function. In this way a thread could be resurrected if someone wanted to add a new slant on a disussion that they found by searching or by going back though old threads.
On 13 Aug 2006 at 9:53pm lopster wrote:
sounds nice, formal threads with sensible titles - but - nearly everything on this site ends up going off on a tangent so the thread header actually bears very little resemblance to the fifteenth or sixteenth entry (for the few that make it that far) - sure its a shame when things fall out at the bottom but anythingg topical or relevant usually gets aired again sooner or later - who's heard the rumours about Lidl going where Wenbans are?
On 14 Aug 2006 at 3:23pm Me wrote:
Can't see lewes allowing Lidl in lewes, far too downmarket. Plus much more money is too be had by building properties and selling them at greatly inflated prices to the londoners.
On 15 Aug 2006 at 11:41pm carpet wrote:
I don't know because I don't use forums and chat rooms too much.
I like this format because it is easy for me to access. The level of traffic through this web site is very small, so that one page can represent a month. Can it ?
I would like to hope there are more readers than contributors.
On 16 Aug 2006 at 5:45pm muffin wrote:
if lidl has enough money there bound to get into lewes why not, they have cheap booze chav will like that
On 26 Aug 2006 at 3:13am JACK CARTER wrote:
Like The Others. That way you'll need to register which in turn can stop other users pretending to be someone else. The Webmaster also gets to ban members by IP, ALL of which gets stored on the server, and that should improve the popularity of the site if done properly. Private Messages can pass from member to member and an archive of classic threads can be kept. You'll get many more hits too from search engine's. Well thats a few points to consider.

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