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Shelleys Garden wrecked

On 19 Apr 2008 at 11:49am Twitcher wrote:
What on earth has happened to the garden at Shelleys Hotel?? All the trees have been chopped down and now you just get to look at the dismal modern houses behind! The flower beds are all dug up and replaced with horrible statues from House of Gnome. It was perfect and now it's gone. Has Martin Elliott bought the place??
On 19 Apr 2008 at 2:01pm Barbara Abbs wrote:
There is a planning application about this, a bit late i'M AFRAID AS the garden has already been ruined. The interior hasbeen spoilt as well. The application for the garden is LW/08/0373 'Landscape Scheme to include Decking'. Send in your objections now.
On 19 Apr 2008 at 8:02pm SHS wrote:
The larger trees take hundreds of years to grow and no two trees are ever alike. Every tree is unique in the world. It is one way a person can achieve a sort of immortality, by planting and creating a landscape that will evolve and be enjoyed by thousands of people for years and years after the planter has passed away. Unfortunately too many people now see trees simply as obstacles (Shelleys), unsightly homes for birds (HM Prison) or hazards to health (Grange Gardens).
On 20 Apr 2008 at 6:17pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Outrageous! I note that we have until 9th May to make out comments known to the council regarding the planning application for the decking.
I havn't seen the garden yet, but for those of you interested in contacting the Tree & Landscape Officer, his name (according to council website) is Daniel Wynn and his e-mail is daniel.wynn@lewes.gov.uk

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