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Seeking local lawyer - affordable wills

On 18 Mar 2015 at 6:46pm Eukaryote wrote:
Anyone know a cheap local lawyer for update to wills? Does not have to be in Lewes. I suspect Newhaven or elsewhere might be cheaper. Thanks.
On 18 Mar 2015 at 8:26pm Local wrote:
If the Will you need is very simple, eg leaving clear assets to specific people, then I have a completely valid one that I wrote using a pre-printed Will from WH Smiths.
On 19 Mar 2015 at 1:14am Horseman7 wrote:
If you want reasonably priced for a proper service (not quite the same as cheap), then Sarah Edmunds, in Westgate.
On 19 Mar 2015 at 8:52am Sussex Jim wrote:
Cheap lawyers fall into the same category as the Tooth Fairy and Father Christmas.
On 19 Mar 2015 at 10:01am @ Sussex Jim wrote:
Not quite true. There are many cheap lawyers out there, but they fall into the same category as chocolate teapot and inflatable dart board.
On 19 Mar 2015 at 10:11am Thrumpington wrote:
"I have a completely valid one that I wrote using a pre-printed Will from WH Smiths"
you probably do but you really don't know it's 'completely valid' unless you've paid someone other than the counter staff at WH Smith to tell you as much. Your beneficiaries will be the ones to find out. It's a bit like saying 'I made my own parachute and it's perfectly safe' - you don't know until you pull the cord.
There are lots of lawyers in town and personally I'd use any of the others before going to the one mentioned above. Try John Astbury, or Barwells in Newhaven.
If you can't bring yourself to line a lawyer's pockets (after all, high street lawyers typically earn around £30/£35k, after just six years of training, the cowboys), wait for Will Aid week (I think it's in November) when various local lawyers will do you a will for free in return for a donation to charity
On 19 Mar 2015 at 10:33am Mavis wrote:
Saga have a will writing service ! Depends just how long you've got!
On 19 Mar 2015 at 1:50pm Local wrote:
Hi Thrumpington, one can say that about any will. However complicated and expensive, any Will can be challenged, and rendered worthless. However, no will at all, means that ones unmarried partner, or loved friend or relative, cannot even try and benefit in the way you wish. WH Smith cannot sell inaccurate legal advice. My memory is that the pack was created by the Law Society, and I suspect they may have something available online.
On 19 Mar 2015 at 5:27pm Country Boy wrote:
Go to a lawyer - simple!
I think it cost me less than £100 (although I can't be sure) however I got advice about appointing a Guardian and putting money in Trust for my sons rather than giving them direct access etc. Not sure that advice would be available on a DIY form?
On 20 Mar 2015 at 11:15am Local wrote:
If you read my original post I refer to simple wills. Most people need to just ensure that they have recorded where they want their major assets to go. Eg House and Cash. It is amazing how many people do not, and the problems it causes. This could be resolved at no expense and I want people to know that simply saying on a bit of paper 'I leave everything to X and X" can avoid a vast number of problems. Especially for unmarried couples, where bereaved partners can end up homeless for the sake of a side of A4 and the neighbours signature. It is a first step. I would agree that anything beyond that benefits from some inexpensive advice, just as you have done.
On 21 Mar 2015 at 6:14pm £100 wrote:
As if my simple will for myself and of the time un married partner , a good one will pose unthought of questions , our cheap one ended up nearer a monkey in the end , as I will be dead I'm not that bothered but the feuding money grabbing step kids will lose it all in a legal battle , so for the sake of that monkey , spend a little now , good luck , I used Wynn baxter , new name now I think ,
On 21 Mar 2015 at 7:35pm Will wrote:
well, actually they wouldn't, but I think we are all agreed that a basic one is fine for the basics, but for anything a little complicated, get some advice. But most importantly, get a will of some sort.
On 21 Mar 2015 at 10:53pm i am wrote:
Well said will

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