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Seal sightings in the ouse?

On 19 Aug 2013 at 11:50am Mine's a double wrote:
I overheard a few conversations around the precinct this weekend about a group of seals being seen in the river?! Can anyone substantiate this with some photo evidence? I was under the impression that they were salt water creatures. To be honest I'm a bit frightened to let my dog swim in the river as I have heard stories of seal attacking dogs.
On 19 Aug 2013 at 12:43pm Seal of approval wrote:
We had one last year. Parked itself on a mudbank and lookedvery pleased with itself.If you keep your distance your dog will have nothing to fear.
On 19 Aug 2013 at 7:00pm The Kronic wrote:
Once those lovely fluffy cute things have decimated the fish and eel population, what will happen then. Some fisheries have seen part eaten fish carcasses of 20lb carp on the banks and some rivers have reported a 95% reduction in migrant eels.
On 19 Aug 2013 at 7:17pm Seal of approval wrote:
Go and annoy a seal you numpty.The biggest threat to fish and eels is human,through over fishing and pollution.
On 19 Aug 2013 at 8:23pm Zebedee wrote:
Seals in the Ouse is a fairly regular occurrence. They've been seen up past Hamsey weir. Last year one seemed to take up residence not far from the Snowdrop. A group of seals would be news though.

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