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Seaford escapes...

On 1 Jul 2007 at 7:59pm I dont live in Lewes anymore wrote:
... the banal parking scheme imposed on Lewes residents.
According to that very nice Councillor Matthew Lock all you Lewesians had to was to say what you wanted.
He is" willing to listen and to act on what they are telling us."
ps.See all your parking charges are being increased...
change hxxp to http in the bbc link
On 2 Jul 2007 at 10:09am Smiler wrote:
Good for Seaford!
It looks like they actually got off their arses and voted against it when they had the chance.
Lewes jhust didn't bother. Mind you I didn't get one of the original questionnaires when they aledgedly posted them to every household.
I did respond to the second one as I'm sure most people did but nothing changed, how come the people of Seaford are listened to and not the people of the county town?
On 2 Jul 2007 at 10:20am George Doors wrote:
Only 5% of households replied to the consultation questionaire a few years ago and 3% voted for the scheme in Lewes. To a certain extent we have ourselves to blame - yet we rally round to support Harvey's.
On 2 Jul 2007 at 3:31pm oh-be-joyful wrote:
seaford has not escaped yet, your time will come lol lol lol
On 2 Jul 2007 at 3:59pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
I don't fink so.
On 2 Jul 2007 at 5:49pm parking manager wrote:
your in for a surprise then. pay & display is going in along marine parade sooner than you fink!
On 3 Jul 2007 at 10:55am I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Don't have any problem with parking charges along the seafront. Locals tend to walk to the beach. Most people who park in the Marine Parade area come from places like Lewes so are well used to putting their hands in their pockets.
More importantly, in Seaford they're not going to charge the residents for the privilege of parking near to where they live... while simultaneously bankrupting local businesses à la Lewes.
Question is... can I afford to pay to go to the Lewes Farmers Market this week? ?? ???
Rather than park I guess it's now proberly cheaper to get the missus to keep driving around the town and add to the pollution... fuggit I don't live there anymore.
On 3 Jul 2007 at 1:15pm parking manager wrote:
it all takes time. when marine parade goes pay & display it will just spread out further. e.g all free bays in broad st. and surrounding areas. look what happened in lewes
On 3 Jul 2007 at 3:13pm me wrote:
what sadly deludes people is the fact that they thought they could decide yay or nay for the parking scheme. Rubbish, it's a major money spinner for the council and will be expanded to all other areas sooner or later whether the residents want it or not. so seaford peacehaven etc its coming it's just a case of when.
On 3 Jul 2007 at 4:19pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Don't think I'm the deluded type... though if I still lived in Lewes I would certainly be asking myself why I was getting such a raw deal from the council and why so much cash was required to fund the hair brained idea.
Can understand why you wish to share the parking fiasco with other towns "Me" but since Lewes " benefited" from the scheme others are most wary...
On 3 Jul 2007 at 4:24pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
From what I recall of the implimentation in Lewes the scheme didn't spread out that much as the majority of the town was involved from day 1.
However, I'm sure there's always adjustments to be made that will maximise the profit... sorry... sort out traffic problems.
On 3 Jul 2007 at 6:39pm council bod wrote:
yes Seaford town council is looking forward to the extra cash coming from all over Seaford they already have the machines in stock just a matter of time till they put them out so I am afraid no one will escape the charges unless you have a blue badge!!!!!!
On 3 Jul 2007 at 7:46pm ExiledfromLewes wrote:
I don't see anything wrong with having Harveys as a priority, important local institution.

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