On 28 Feb 2010 at 10:47am AnnE wrote:
Tell me, what are the junior/secondary schools like? Is it worth moving to Lewes for them? Thanks
On 28 Feb 2010 at 11:05am Trevor wrote:
Depends where your coming from, put it this way for a small town we have lots of decent, caring schools. After all we're not talking about inner city schools are we!
On 28 Feb 2010 at 11:12am Smiler wrote:
No it isn't they are all over-subscribed
On 28 Feb 2010 at 11:55am AnnE wrote:
What's the secondary school like in particular? Just read the forum on behaviour outside! Any opinions from people connected with the school?
On 28 Feb 2010 at 3:02pm Brixtonbelle wrote:
the only advice i can give is visit the schools yourself and then decide for yourself on your gut feeling. Ask lots of qiestions and make sure you visit during school hours so you can observe behaviour in the school lessons. If a school doesn;t let you visit in school hours and doesn;t take you round with a senior member of staff I would avoid. Everyone has differnt criteria of what they want/ need for their offspring and what suits one won;t suit another. List of schools and links to ofsted reports, exam tables etc are on escc website
On 28 Feb 2010 at 6:52pm Sofa so good wrote:
School is awful and rarely an indication of how happy an individual will be in later life. Discuss.
On 28 Feb 2010 at 11:49pm moi wrote:
is it worth moving to Lewes for the schools? would that be your only criteria? surely not?
On 1 Mar 2010 at 9:49am Off-Message wrote:
Criteria is the plural, moi. Criterion is the singular. Please don't recommend the school you went to.
On 1 Mar 2010 at 12:19pm Realist wrote:
If you have a half decent, respectful, intelligent child, then it should not make much difference which school they go to ...unless thats school is having serious problems..
On 1 Mar 2010 at 1:00pm Ants wrote:
I too am interested in the schools in Lewes. We are moving from London because my family and I are concerned about peak oil and want to become involved in the transition town movement.
I have a 6 year old and a 4 year old. Both are at private school, but we want them in the state system now. More than amazing results, I care about the school being like an extended family, safe, nurturing and priding itself on discipline and behaviour. good manners go along way.
Any feedback would be very much appreciated.
Antje x
On 1 Mar 2010 at 1:18pm Jenny Taylor wrote:
You're 'aving a laugh
On 1 Mar 2010 at 1:19pm Ed Can Do wrote:
I hope you're not moving to Lewes but continuing to work in London because that would be a hilarious waste of oil to get you there and back every day. Also, for all their PR, Transition Town Lewes don't actually seem to do anything. They've still not released the figures for the first year of the Lewes pound and the second year has been pretty much an abject failure due to their imposition of a charge on traders to convert the things back into proper money. Don't let that put you off though and that's a discussion for a different thread.
Lewes has a number of very good state schools and if it's a good community you're after then Lewes is probably the ideal place for you. I've heard some murmurs about bullying at a couple of the primary schools but I think that was just Chinese whispers. Priory was great when I was there, despite the drugs problems and even those are mild compared to a lot of private schools (Marlborough College for example has a much higher drug arrests per year than Priory). I've jeard it's gone downhill since then and there certainly seem to be a lot of fences up that never used to be there but I've never heard anyone complain that schools here are bad, certainly compared to what you get even as close as Brighton.
As others have said though, the only way to know for sure is to take a look for yourself. If you're into all that Transition Town stuff you might want to look at the Lewes New School. It's a private school but much like a large family (As they only have about three kids for every teacher), a few of the parents are involved directly with TTL and they follow one of those non-national-curriculum teaching methods where the kids are encouraged to learn what they want when they want to (Kind of like Steiner Schools).
On 1 Mar 2010 at 1:27pm Old Cynic wrote:
Antje - I haven't laughed sooooo much for ages!
ECD - you're right - what do transition towns actually do?? They did run some courses once but have't updated the website for an age......can any one tell me?
On 1 Mar 2010 at 2:14pm Off-Message wrote:
If you're worried about 'peak oil' Antje, why don't you start a transition city group in London? What's the point in putting Lewes into 'transition' if London stays as it is?
On 1 Mar 2010 at 5:12pm Brixtonbelle wrote:
There are transition towns in London - Brixton is one ! Whilst I think the ideas are worthy, I don;t think they will work on a local level - but, like vegetarianism which was a dirty word 30 years ago, it will become common currency and gradually part of the culture. Of course it will have to becaue we will have run out of oil by then and dpendent on the former CIS for natural gas.
The Lewes New school sounds like the school for you Antje - especially if you don't mind the appalling spelling - see their ad in viva lewes this month if you can get hold of a copy.
On 1 Mar 2010 at 11:41pm moi wrote:
off message, our resident forum troll
and for your information i went to Priory School, where did you go?Presumably not here.
On 2 Mar 2010 at 8:30am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Antje's post is one of the best spoofs I've read in a long time. She deserves her own column in Viva Levves. And if it's not a spoof, she still deserves her own column in Viva Levves!
On 2 Mar 2010 at 8:55am Off-Message wrote:
Oh dear moi, you don't know what a troll is either! What do they teach the kids at Priory these days?
On 4 Mar 2010 at 12:23am anonymous wrote:
Antje, if your post is serious, which i believe it is, i wouldn't recommend it.
On 21 Mar 2010 at 12:41pm C C Rowland wrote:
Regarding schools I can say that all the schools in Lewes are good. My children went to Wallands and now go to Priory. For an alternative try Lewes New School. Priory is a relatively large school and my feeling is that achieves do well, but those who are less academic do not do so well.
As for the Lewes Pound they do not charge traders this idea was rejected. Transition Town Lewes has attended a number of school event and played a big part in a recent event at Priory school with a bike that powers light bulbs to school children how important it is to conserve energy. There will be another TTL Energy Fair and an Eco Open House event. TTL also set up OVESCo and this company has already helped about 200 homes retro fit solar thermal panels and other renewables. So TTL seems very active in the town to me. I guess you just have to get involved to find out more and make things happen!