On 7 Mar 2017 at 3:54pm Gregory wrote:
Just to make people aware, have just had a call from someone pretending to work for BT Openreach, trying to improve broadband service in the local area. They ask you to run speed test and then let you know that speed is inadequate, the next thing they ask you to do is open software to access your computer (and everything else). Indian voices as per BT and extremely pushy they try and make sure you do not leave call. I am sure I don't need to tell you how risky this is, but nearly had me fooled as my BT broadband has been rather sluggish over last few days.
On 7 Mar 2017 at 4:00pm Iron fist wrote:
Don't trust anyone with a paki accent. Little farkers
On 7 Mar 2017 at 4:13pm Tim wrote:
Yep, twice in the last week. Although the story with me was "with reference your fault report, we need you to access your PC". Trouble is, I had made a fault report and it is difficult to differentiate between genuine and non genuine. The guy on the end didn't have my fault ref so I knew it was a scam - I kept him holding on a bit though.
On 7 Mar 2017 at 4:19pm Fakir wrote:
Are you dissing our Wise Men ?
On 7 Mar 2017 at 4:38pm Trooper wrote:
@ Gregory. I have received two of these calls within the last three days, your post is very timely. I agree they are aggressive in their tone,it is best not to engage them in any conversation at all, if possible. If BT contact you they will identify themselves and you can verify this. I have informed BT fraud unit and they are already aware of it.Very pleased that you did not fall for it.
On 7 Mar 2017 at 4:48pm Busby wrote:
This seems to be an extension of the "there's something wrong with yoor vindoos and we need to get into your computer " scam. Today it was a woman's voice claiming to be from B.T.' s "technical department". Sad really, now every time I hear a voice from the indian subcontinent I put the phone down straight away. Plays havoc with my curry deliveries.
On 7 Mar 2017 at 4:56pm Deja Vu wrote:
It's a game in our house (the only landline calls are sales calls), who can get to the phone first and who can waste the most of their time.
To best goes to my fiances daughter so far, who gave the following details on a survey:
Number of people in the house = 7, number of those that are under 14, = 10.
We were expecting the call to terminate at that point, but I think there person at the other end was close to death by boredom so dutifully finished the rest of the survey.
On 7 Mar 2017 at 5:47pm Earl of Lewess wrote:
Am I the only person who finds the phrase "Don't trust anyone with a Pakistan accent" in poor taste?
On 7 Mar 2017 at 6:17pm Pedro wrote:
@EOL. No, that is probably why they said it.
On 7 Mar 2017 at 6:45pm Gregory wrote:
@ Iron fist. Why would an Indian have a Pakistani accent?
On 7 Mar 2017 at 6:47pm Tpl wrote:
True though lol
On 8 Mar 2017 at 9:57am Generally wrote:
I've had genuine broadband issues in the past and there's no reason for any ISP to need to check your computer, they test the lines their end. As soon as someone on the phone tells you to go to your computer you know it's a scam.
On 9 Mar 2017 at 10:29am Alf Garnet wrote:
Never mind the stakipanis. Watch them Scause Gits.
On 13 Mar 2017 at 11:24pm Jo wrote:
We also play the time wasting game. My mum played so dumb once I was crying with laughter. She pretended she didn't use the internet and just used her computer as a new-fangled typewriter.