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Scam ??

On 16 Jun 2014 at 8:18pm Peter Pan wrote:
About 3 weeks ago ,I had a email from HM Revenue& Customs informing me that I had a tax rebate, click here to claim ,I didn't click as I suspected that it was a scam but it did look very genuine
To day a tax rebate arrived in the post , so was it a.scam
On 17 Jun 2014 at 2:44am Fairmeadow wrote:
It is a scam, nevertheless.
HMRC say on their website that they never notify you in that way, and give a long list of the email addresses used by the scammers - some obvious fakes, others quite credible-looking.
I had an HSBC-account scam the other day - would have looked quite credible if I had had an HSBC account.
On 17 Jun 2014 at 7:31am Mark wrote:
Certainly a phishing email. Your coinciding rebate was just a coincidence.
On 17 Jun 2014 at 3:19pm Badger wrote:
I never click on anything in an email like this regardless of how official it looks.
If I get anything purporting to be from my 'bank' I only ever access my account in the usual way online, not via a link in an email.
You're asking for trouble believing anything like the above, especially if you don't expressly remember ever giving the company your email details (how would HMRC know your email address unless you had provided them with it?!)

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