On 24 Jun 2011 at 2:49pm SOLAR PIRATE wrote:
Lewes in a 'good news' blog!
Check it out here »
On 24 Jun 2011 at 3:14pm MC wrote:
Doncha just hate it when these links don't work.
On 25 Jun 2011 at 8:11am HTTP-DENIED PIRATE wrote:
On 25 Jun 2011 at 9:13am Vesbod wrote:
Mmmm, not THAT impressed ! 92Mw hours per year is not a lot of electricity. My Kettle is 1Kw, and if it takes 5 mins to boil, 92Kw would be enough for me to have (92Mw/hr divided by 1Kw/5 mins) 1,104,000 brews. Divide that number by the number of people living in Lewes, and it amounts to not a lot of tea drinking throughout the year ! (or coffee if you so wish). And, at a cost of £300,000, that's 27p a brew, which is a tad more expensive than any electricity provider at the moment !
On 25 Jun 2011 at 11:45am queequeg wrote:
Well I make it 1.1 trillion cups of tea (92,000,000 divided by 1/12th), or if the kettle boils for an average 3 cups then 3.3 trillion cups of tea. If the adult population is 10,000 then we get 330,000 cups of tea each per annum for a cost of £30 each of one off investment. Over a 25 year period of investments Lewes would be able to export cups of tea to the world and make huge profits. Cost per cup for one year 1/110 of a penny, cost over 25 years 1/2750 of a penny. Methinks something wrong with 92Mw/hr prediction.
On 25 Jun 2011 at 12:05pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
% mins to boil a kettle for one cup of tea? You need a new kettle Vespod.
On 25 Jun 2011 at 1:40pm Vesbod wrote:
EBM, yup, it's on the cards, well, actually I prefer red wine !!.
QQ, what's 92,000Kw divided by 1Kw ? ...and then do your maths again...
On 25 Jun 2011 at 5:06pm queequeg wrote:
Yeare Vesbod, I realised I'd dropped a clanger. Somehow in my feeble mind I forgot that 1kw =1000 not 1. Sorry!
On 25 Jun 2011 at 6:03pm Vesbod wrote:
No worries, made me think about it as well !!
On 26 Jun 2011 at 9:47am John McGowan wrote:
I'm with Vesbod and wrote something in Viva Lewes about it a few weeks back
Overall it doesn't seem worth the welter of self-congratulation that is attending it (though the same could be said of other local environmental initiatives too perhaps).
Check it out here »
On 26 Jun 2011 at 7:04pm invisible man wrote:
I dont know what the hell you lot are burbling about. Just put the kettle on and enjoy a nice cup of tea. Sod the price.
On 27 Jun 2011 at 10:30pm Lady in the advert wrote:
No point. I drink gin