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On 7 Apr 2010 at 10:09am F'D OFF OF DENTON wrote:
on sat evening over bank holiday weekend a car thief broke into a family car and stole a toddlers car seat by smashing window and dragging out scratching paintwork in process. this was in Denton several other reports of this kind of theft have been reported over last few weeks. with buggy and car seats being on the pick list.
our car seat was a Riccaro a wonderfull grand mother decided to buy the best car seat with side impact and all the safety ratings you would want expense was not an issue when taking her grand children out but because she chose a nice seat some S*** bag stole it we don't expect it back but just a word of warning to all the parents who have these car seats beware this is happening more often.
if you should hear of anything please contact sussex police on 0845 60 70 999 I dont expect a conviction but this whole theft has cost nearly £300 with repairs how many trips out with the kids is that.
Ps should the thief want the instruction manual they left in the car please let me know I'll happily deliver it to you.
On 7 Apr 2010 at 2:50pm Ed Can Do wrote:
So I heard house prices are pretty low in Newhaven these days...

Joking aside, it's a sad fact of life these days that even in the relatively low crime area we live in, there are still criminals about who will happily break into a car to steal a packet of fags, let alone a high value item like a car seat. Inconvenient though it might be to keep taking it out, if you leave valuable stuff in your car these days, you have to expect that sooner or later someone's going to try and nick it.
On 10 Apr 2010 at 3:29am It could have been me wrote:
Its sad and depressing that theft occurs at all.
However, the "sicko car thief reaches new low" is rather wide of the mark. Its not like they've robbed a cripple's wheelchair whilst he's in the bath, now that would be a 'new low'. Unless he or she masterbated over pictures of dwarves in the back seat of your car I don't think the 'sicko' tag is warranted either. You're sensationalising the issue over what is, to most victims of theft (and myself included) a trivial sum.
What it boils down to is either you had a romantic vision of thieves shattered or you think that thieves should, as a matter of morality, be robbing other people, not yourself.
On 12 Apr 2010 at 9:37am F'D OFF OF DENTON wrote:
I realise people steal things,

Sicko thief is warranted in my opinion! This is a low crime both on a moral and Police catching the thief level.
It may be a trivial sum to you but it's not to us. I don't want anybody to be robbed let alone ourselfs.
I leave my work tools in my van everyday and each morning I wake up and the van and it's contents are still on my drive I say thank god as I expect to be robbed one day but a kids car seat from a car never in my wildest dreams.
If your going to have a say at least use "disabled" as Cripple is a nasty word
Untill my dad's wheelchair is stolen whilst he's in the bath I'll stick with this crime being a new low.
In this current world we live in it won't be long before someone reaches a new low that trumps me on this one.

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