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On 26 Apr 2017 at 5:54pm Parent wrote:
Anyone else worried their 11 year old will be labelled a failure after their SATS?
On 26 Apr 2017 at 6:20pm Good god wrote:
Worried of being labelled a failure?

Only if you consider success and failure as a function of academic achievement. Which, when you think about it, is nonsense.
On 26 Apr 2017 at 6:50pm Fairmeadow wrote:
In suppose there is a risk that SATS scores might colour teachers expectations, and there is some evidence that expectations correlate statistically with achievement.
However, most teachers are quite smart enough to form their own judgements. In any case your child will now have multiple teachers for different subjects, and they will all know that different children excel and struggle with different subjects.
However, rightly or wrongly, many teachers' expectations will be influenced by your child's attitude in class, and they will certainly notice whether homework is done with enthusiasm, with as little effort as can be got away with, or not at all.
So all still to play for.
On 26 Apr 2017 at 7:05pm Also Parent wrote:
On 27 Apr 2017 at 8:53am Parent wrote:
You don't seem to have grasped my meaning ! Should we even be testing at this age? In year 6, they have done practically nothing but maths, maths , test paper after test paper. And as soon as sats are over they will do s0d all teaching. It is all about the schools league table
On 27 Apr 2017 at 6:17pm Fairmeadow wrote:
We didn't grasp your meaning because we responded to what you posted, which was apparently something quite different. SATS do provide some basic quality control as to how students and schools are performing. Are you seriously suggesting that the government should take no interest in how our children's learning is progressing?
How SATS are carried out and how the outcomes should be interpreted are perfectly legitimate subjects for debate, but in an education-driven world it must be a concern that our children are not doing particularly well. I would rather the government worried about how to drive standards up than it didn't. In today's world the more numerate young people we have the better. You used to be able to earn a decent living if you were good at digging and carrying things. Now you can't.
On 30 Apr 2017 at 1:26pm Dad wrote:
You do realise the sats are to test the school, not the children right?
On 28 Jun 2018 at 11:20am charles Jones wrote:
check out sats-papers.co.uk/11-plus-papers - they have free Sats papers which you can check out and try - the thing to remember is that these tests are designed to find out the level at which a child can no longer complete the test so most children will find at least part of these tests very challenging - the trick is to make sure your child knows that is how the test works so they won't be upset when there are questions they are unable to answer...

Check it out here »
On Tue 11 Mar at 7:52pm gerorge223 wrote:
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