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On 23 Jun 2015 at 6:13am DJ wrote:
All over the High Street again this morning. Why can't people put their rubbish out in a bin? Fines for littering I think!!
On 23 Jun 2015 at 8:20am Rookie wrote:
Careful. I made a similar comment a few months ago and it got torn to pieces.
I had to walk amongst it all the crap this morning. It is disgusting.
On 23 Jun 2015 at 9:13am Paul Newman wrote:
I noticed that, disgusting mess again. It must be foxes. We get the same trouble and the answer is to buy another plastic container so they can`t get in. They aren't all that easy to find actually but we got one from somewhere in Eastbourne .
Take a little effort ...and there's your problem.
On 23 Jun 2015 at 9:20am C. Gull wrote:
Seagulls tend to rip open plastic rubbish sacks that are put out early and left overnight, so do foxes, and (sorry to say it) but the bin-men often don't bother to pick up any rubbish they spill when emptying the bins along our road.
Add a stiff breeze and the loose rubbish is quickly spread far and wide :-( .
On 23 Jun 2015 at 9:53am Earl of Lewes wrote:
@Paul Newman - completely off topic and I apologise for being so petty, but you're using the wrong key for your apostrophes. When you wrote "can`t", you used the grave accent key instead of the apostrophe key (usually next to the colon/semicolon key). You might say "So what?", but as my late father used to tell me, there's a right and a wrong way to do everything.
Cue the deluge of thumbs downs.
On 23 Jun 2015 at 10:01am trooper wrote:
In the precinct at 12:30 Saturday 20June both the rubbiish bins were totally full to the brim and I saw a number of people trying to dispose of their rubbish paper bags etc and could not get anymore in.Question, when will those bins be emptied ??
On 23 Jun 2015 at 10:56am Mark wrote:
It's a thorny problem. Houses in town are mostly tiny and terraced. Many don't have gardens. No option but to put sacks on the street. The council provide small food bins which help but if you have, say, fish and chip paper then what to do with that?
On 23 Jun 2015 at 11:05am I'm a tourist wrote:
Lewes is a town which attracts tourism and it is disgraceful to see so much rubbish on the streets first thing in the morning and at weekends. Locals should take more pride - teach their children to pick up papers - or at least not to drop them in the first place - and then of course there should be emptying of full bins prior the weekend.
On 23 Jun 2015 at 11:36am Old Bloke wrote:
@Earl of Lewes - petty indeed
Pathetic as well
On 23 Jun 2015 at 11:43am Earl of Lewes wrote:
@Old Bloke - Given your track record, the words pot and kettle spring to mind.
On 23 Jun 2015 at 12:29pm Dusty wrote:
Someone always comes up with the excuse that small house don't have room for a bin. Where do the people living in these houses keep the piles of rubbish bags before they put them out for the dustman? Why don't they get a bin and just keep it where they keep the rubbish bags until bin day? Surely this wouldn't take up any more room, and their house would be tidier too. Just a thought.
On 23 Jun 2015 at 1:56pm Judge Montal wrote:
@DJ Maybe it was a Fox who emptied the Bins this week..
I've regularly seen Foxes nonchalantly strolling along towards the High St in the early hours of morning knocking over bins looking for something to eat. And it doesn't help if the Bin-Men are a few days late either.
On 23 Jun 2015 at 2:06pm Mark wrote:
Really Dj? And then plonk the bin out on the pavement?
On 23 Jun 2015 at 5:15pm Jeff wrote:
@Earl of Lewes
I always assumed it was because he cuts and pastes it from Word.
On 23 Jun 2015 at 5:57pm Sussex Jim wrote:
Put your bins out in the morning on collection days, shortly before the dustcart arrives. We do- and never have any trouble from foxes or seagulls.
On 23 Jun 2015 at 7:58pm Sheila wrote:
In south street people seem to think it's ok to leave the rubbish bins on the pavement all the time, can't be bothered to keep them in the garden and bring them out on bin day. Looks a right mess, older people like my self were broght up to sweep and clean the
front of our houses. It's a matter of pride.

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