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Royal Oak, Barcombe

On 12 Dec 2010 at 5:04pm Twister wrote:
I have heard a rumour that the current landlord of the Royal Oak in Barcombe is leaving in the New Year and that the owners of the Trevor Arms in Glynde are taking over. Anyone know anything?
On 12 Dec 2010 at 7:06pm King Cnut wrote:
Aren't the people from Trevor Arms going or gone to a Plumpton pub?
Ideally, the current landlord's son should get it.
On 12 Dec 2010 at 7:23pm Mike wrote:
The landlord of the Oak is leaving and I hear it is being taken over by a local family. The people from theTrevor are moving to the Plough at Plumpton.
On 12 Dec 2010 at 8:54pm rebelmusic wrote:
"LIAR LIAR" FOR THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER ONE SLOT. The anti cuts single released today
On 12 Dec 2010 at 9:00pm Barcombe Boy wrote:
I can confirm that Mike and Caz Austen are retiring as licensees of the Royal Oak at the end of December and that a local family of four will be taking over, after a weeks closure in the New Year. There were really nice tributes made at a St. Peters and St James Christmas concert on Friday and on Saturday they were granted life membership of the Football Club at a
packed presentation. Twenty eight years at the Oak is quite an achievement, they have made a huge contribution to the village and will be missed. I hope they have a long and happy retirement. Good luck to the new crew.
On 12 Dec 2010 at 10:16pm Deelite wrote:
Who are the new crew then? Big shame about the reduced garden. The best thing about that pub was the garden in summer.....
On 13 Dec 2010 at 10:53am Barcombe Boy wrote:
Yes, shame about the garden, but what is left could still be made attractive.
I believe that the name of the family is Perry.
On 13 Dec 2010 at 6:03pm The Super K wrote:
I heard that the people at the Trevor are moving to the Royal Oak yes!!
On 13 Dec 2010 at 8:37pm Deelite wrote:
errr... maybe you should read the thread Super K?
On 15 Dec 2010 at 8:11pm Captain Pugwash wrote:
I went to this pub once. Never again. Terribly unfriendly (everyone looks at you as you walk in!), snidy, cliquey, cold & superior old bar woman (teacher in real life she said... yeah right), horrible flashing distracting machine, stupidly large and invasive TV screen showing total crap (sport or 24hr news, can't remember). An old style pub, positively 70s. Hopefully Harveys and the new managers will give it the makeover it's obviously needed for decades.

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