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Robet Horne Paper Site ??

On 15 Jul 2009 at 5:07pm Lord Landport wrote:
Just seen they are taking the fence down looks like they have turned into a carpark have the council listened to us about shortage of spaces etc
anybody know whats happening with it ?
On 15 Jul 2009 at 5:20pm snowie wrote:
They got planning permission to use the site as a car park for 36 months. Don't know what happened to the Aldi they were going to build there!
On 15 Jul 2009 at 5:32pm snowie wrote:
They got planning permission to use the site as a Council car park for 36 months. Don't know what happened to the Aldi they were going to build there!
On 15 Jul 2009 at 11:03pm Tax Payer wrote:
thats how long it'll take to build the Police station THAT NO ONE WANTS (NOT EVEN THE BOYS IN BLUE) on the LAST car park they closed, then what?
Ahhh - they'll rip down the OLD Police Station and turn that into a car park - Genius!!!
I HATE the Tories but Wealden is in a MUCH better state than Lewes - Vote Tory for Local Government next time you get a chance (keep stormin' Norman though - he is a damned fine MP)
On 16 Jul 2009 at 10:12am Mystic Mog wrote:
The Police station has very little to do with any of the Councils. The colour of the councils would not make a spot of difference. The Tories would make it worse, they are responsible for the parking scheme and the incinerator. Two big things that they bulldozed through.
On 16 Jul 2009 at 11:29am sashimi wrote:
Wrong MM. The Tories did not bulldoze through the parking scheme. The Police got PP to build the new police station from Lib Dem controlled LDC. The parking scheme was introduced by the Tory ESCC with cross party support from Lib Dem and Labour and it required the consent of LDC to go ahead. The LibDem u-turn over the discredited scheme is welcome, but they can't escape responsibility for it. The allegation about the incinerator is a red herring too. The LibDems opposed the incinerator in Newhaven (constituency of their Leader) but proposed to site it at Waterhall (junction of A27 and A23) instead. If they hadn't dithered when they controlled ESCC for 8 years we might have had an alternative to incinerators like anaerobic digesters.
On 17 Jul 2009 at 9:46am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
They can't be held totally to blame for the dithering, because it was a strategic thing they had to find a solution that Brighton & Hove council would agree on. That proved difficult!

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