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Road or Pavement?

On 21 Feb 2017 at 1:53pm cleanlicence wrote:
i notice the pavement seems to merge with the road outside the cafe opposite
waitrose, with cars parked, and buses sweeping into the station, its not a very pedestrian friendly zone! you take youre life in your hands walking along there and crossing from waitrose to east street, who enforces the 20mph ?
On 21 Feb 2017 at 3:44pm Catherine Wheel wrote:
This is just what we need on this forum. Intelligent Lewes related posts.
I agree totally. It's a dangerous spot. People should however use the traffic lights to cross rather than risking death outside Waitrose.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 5:02pm Jester wrote:
Yea exactly what it needs. Another post about who enforces the speed limits!
On 21 Feb 2017 at 8:24pm I'm Mike Higgs ESCC wrote:
I'm Mike Higgs and I run the traffic safety department for East Sussex. If you have any concerns about safety issues don't bother contacting me as I will either fob you off or just ignore you altogether.
I'm Mike Higgs
On 21 Feb 2017 at 8:45pm Neighbour wrote:
This road layout will be gone in two years. It is part of the Santon works for the Phoenix site.
On 22 Feb 2017 at 10:31am Jaywalker wrote:
The 20mph speed limit is irrelevant to anyone who thinks it is safe to walk directly across the road from Waitrose to the bus station. Most traffic is actually moving at less than 20mph, but that still doesn't make that walk safe. Using one of the pedestrian crossings is safer, even though they weren't designed to provide for access to the bus station. As has been said, though, the reconfiguration of the roads that is planned for the Santon project is an opportunity to solve the problem. In the meantime, be careful.
On 22 Feb 2017 at 10:55am cleanlicence wrote:
i take everybodys point about crossing, luckily i,m still young enough to run if needed!, but my other point is the pavement in front the bus station has now merged with the road, even cars parking there.
On 23 Feb 2017 at 8:32am Mike hunt wrote:
Yes mr Higgins like the shellys dropped kerbs nothing from you

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