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Resident parking signs Malling

On 11 Jun 2018 at 2:20pm Taxpayer wrote:
I see resident permit signs have been errected around areas of Malling to try and deter workers from parking in certain spots. As there is no permit system in place or likely to come in to force these signs are pointless and not enforcable.
Who ordered these signs to be put up and who agreed funding of such pointless signage?
More wasting of tax payers money by our local council.

On 11 Jun 2018 at 4:09pm In the know wrote:
Well we’ll see if you’re so negative once the permit scheme is in force and you have to pay £85 a year to park outside your house.
On 11 Jun 2018 at 5:14pm Nosey parker wrote:
It’s a bit unfair if Malling gets residents parking for free while the rest of us have to pay £85 a year
On 11 Jun 2018 at 5:17pm Malling resident wrote:
@nosey parker you obviously havent tried parking around are estate we are lucky if we can park on our road let alone outside our house
On 11 Jun 2018 at 5:37pm Boredmum wrote:
Apparently, if you cover your car with tarpaulin, you can park on the double yellow lines on Southover High Street now.
On 11 Jun 2018 at 5:46pm Nosey parker wrote:
@Malling Resident - like most of the town then? If you buy a house with no drive then you’re not guaranteed a parking space. That’s life. You don’t own the road outside your house.
On 11 Jun 2018 at 6:19pm Sid wrote:
Malling resident - I have some spare full stops. Would you like to use them?
On 11 Jun 2018 at 8:06pm wanderer wrote:
Wheres the sign I want it for outside mine.
Some idiot has a couple of mini buses and leaves them for weeks on end in the same place totally spoils the pleasant view out of my window.
On 11 Jun 2018 at 8:48pm Short memory wrote:
You idiots have been had.
Signs like that have to have the hours of operation clearly stated on them. Someone’s been shopping on the net, p1ssed off with plod parking on their road
On 11 Jun 2018 at 9:29pm Householder wrote:
@ Wanderer- do something useful with your life, instead of looking out of your window.
On 11 Jun 2018 at 9:36pm Householder wrote:
Sorry for previous post. I have just realised how nasty I came across. I do realise that little pleasures mean a big deal to some people. I will think about my clever comments before posting next time.
On 12 Jun 2018 at 6:33am Taxpayer wrote:
@intheknow, bring on the permit. I brought a house with parking for 3 cars so i wouldnt need to purchase one.
On 12 Jun 2018 at 8:02am @Taxpayer wrote:
Where did you bring your house from?
On 12 Jun 2018 at 2:20pm smug git wrote:
Don't people think ahead when they buy/rent houses these days?
Does it not occur to them that residents' parking may be, or may become, a problem if they ever have wish to park more vehicles than there are private and allocated (or driveway/garage) parking spaces associated with that property?
Does it not cross their minds that their children may still be living at home when they are old enough to buy their first cars, or that a change in employment may mean one or more family members find they cannot commute by public transport, and so need to buy a car/van?
I understand circumstances may change, such as adult family members with cars unexpectedly moving back home, public transport becoming ever less reliable, local employers choosing to increase their workforce without adding any parking spaces for them etc, but anyone minded to buy a property should really consider all those factors before they decide to go ahead.
How many parking spaces do they expect to require on a regualr basis, and does the property provide them? If not, where do they think they will find extra parking spaces, and are those public parking spaces at risk of being used regularly by other vehicles?
Obviously, council tenants have less say over the properties they are offerred, but it is often the private owners who seem to complain - and in most cases it is down to their own lack of forward planning when they purchased their property.
As others have said, homeowners/tenants do not own the public highway outside/adjacent to their property, so to assume it will always be available for use as their own parking space(s) is, dare I say, a little short-sighted.

On 12 Jun 2018 at 6:05pm Nosey Parker wrote:
Nice idea Smug Git but not very realistic. Plenty of people just have to accept the house they can afford with the right number of bedrooms and parking isn’t even a consideration. The increase in cars at the Police HQ was also hard to predict. It hasn’t just been a small increase - I’m convinced they must all work standing up just just so they can fit in the place.
On 13 Jun 2018 at 6:28am Harvard Close wrote:
As a resident in malling I have no problem parking. So I may have to walk 1 minute from a different road.... wow. After being in other places where you need to drive round til someone leaves so you can park within you're own 'zone' Making is a luxury.
Oh. And the parked cars slow the traffic down making it shop much safer. The evenings see residents bomb round here with no respect.
On 13 Jun 2018 at 6:41am @Harvardclose wrote:
Totally agree with you. Residents expect to be able to park outside their own door despite owning more than 1 car. Road and parking infastructure wasn't designed for the amount of vehicles that use it. Immaybe if people walked a little more we wouldn't have the obesity problems which we have in the UK.
On 15 Jun 2018 at 12:54pm Worker wrote:
I'm amazed there are so many people in Malling who are out of work or work weird shift patterns that this is such a problem. I work nine till half five like a normal person with a half hour drive each end of the day and by the time I get home, the police have all left for the day and there's loads of places to park. If parking is such an issue for the multitude of jobless in Malling then why not get the bus occasionally, especially if you have a bus pass or unemployed discount? If the parking is still a in the evenings in your street (It isn't in mine) then the issue is your neighbours having too many cars, not the police.
On 16 Jun 2018 at 8:15pm Nosey Parker wrote:
I heard that the workers at Police HQ have to pay for parking, not sure if true or not.

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