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Renting out house for bonfire night

On 31 Aug 2018 at 9:57am Make a few bob! wrote:
So does anyone do this and how much do you put your place up for? I notice on air b&b things must already be sold out as there is nothing for the 5th. I am thinking of letting out my whole house over bonfire night. Good or bad idea!? Thanks
On 31 Aug 2018 at 10:04am Mr wright wrote:
OK but when the people can not get into lewes. After 16.30 they will be so happy. And also u are not a bonfire person I can tell. Just jumping on the back of it.
On 31 Aug 2018 at 10:04am Paisley wrote:
Dont do it, unless you plan to be on the premises yourself to monitor and keep guard. It is an enormous risk given the amount of booze being consumed that night. You also run the risk of them inviting all their friends along too on the grounds that they at least have a roof over their head, even if they end up sleeping on the floor, rather than attempting to navigate the closed roads etc. The one time I did it, I charged 800.00 for 4 people, so the money is good, but I wouldn't do it again.
On 31 Aug 2018 at 12:31pm Rev. Ian wrote:
On 31 Aug 2018 at 4:43pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Bloody hell, £800? That's tempting, especially as we go away for the night rather than listen to the dog barking non-stop because of the noise.
On the downside, I suppose I'd have to tidy up first ...
On 31 Aug 2018 at 6:05pm Make a few bob! wrote:
I would be very tempted for £800 !!! Did they trash your house paisley? As you say you wouldn't do it again.
On 31 Aug 2018 at 9:48pm Local wrote:
ACT - why not put your dog in kennels? Much cheaper....
On 1 Sep 2018 at 10:35am Another B and B lady wrote:
Probably be ok but if they did trash the house you might find that your insurance wouldn’t pay up. As a B and B we pay lots of money to have full insurance cover. Think I would let it through Airbnb to be reasonably protected. We are always full of family and friends but could have let the house out over and over again.
On 1 Sep 2018 at 1:00pm Paisley wrote:
They didn't trash it as such, but left it in enough of a mess to stop me doing it again. I live on school hill, so have a great view of the whole thing, this is the main selling point and the reason i could charge so much. The other issue of inviting all their mates round to sleep on the floor happened to someone else I know. The point about home insurance is valid too. if the house is trashed or burgled, you are not covered.
On 1 Sep 2018 at 4:30pm Volunteer wrote:
Paisley, how much of that £800 did you donate to either a bonfire society or the charity they were supporting on the night? Seems a bit off to ne making a huge profit off the back of hundreds of hours put in by volunteers to organise and run the night.
On 1 Sep 2018 at 9:00pm @volunteer wrote:
I hope they didn’t donate a penny. Also, it sounds like they didn’t make any profit
On 3 Sep 2018 at 7:39am @volunteer wrote:
I didn't donate a penny. I once enquired about joining a society and was told applications were closed, but if I made a 'donation' they would make an exception. That tells me all I need to know about how the societies are run. Other than that, do you demand that every single business or individual that benefits also makes a donation?, or are you just being typically holier than thou?.
On 3 Sep 2018 at 8:35am A bonfire boy wrote:
@volunteer, There are 7 societies in Lewes, your claim of closed for applications applies apparently only to one, what makes you think the other 6 are the same? If you had really wanted to join a society you would have done a bit of research, With 5 societies based in pubs & two in a social club it would have been an enjoyable experience. As to businesses who profit from what is a huge free event, yes it would be nice if they did a bit of supporting the hand that feeds them. Better still supporting the street collections on the night, 100% of which goes to charities, usually local ones or major ones with a local connection.. Times were when most established, often family businesses in Lewes were connected with Bonfires Societies, usually as both members & Vice Presidents. With Lewes full of national chains of High street coffee shops and eateries, times have changed. They have just replaced the tatty hamburger traders who used to pollute the streets for the night. A one way street of profit, out of the town, London bound.

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