On 26 Jun 2018 at 10:23pm Bulldog bill wrote:
To many people in Lewes still can't get to grips about the outcome of are reforendem. If you are liberals then adopt some liberal values of democracy. The people have spoken. Get used to it or go somewhere else!!
On 26 Jun 2018 at 10:25pm Reeferendom wrote:
Bring on the referendum, not sure wtf you’re talking about though.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 1:17am Smashedcrabface wrote:
Hang on a minute ..... The spelling mistakes and content lead me to believe the op is actually a remoaner pretending to be a slightly thick and bigoted brexiteer! A so called troll post!
On 27 Jun 2018 at 2:06am Dexter wrote:
You could be right Smashedcrabface. I've given you a thumbs-up. Saying that, have you seen the pink faced halfwits on Question Time ranting about immediate Brexit?
In fact, if you add the fact that arch-brexiteers like Lawson & Farage have applied to become French & German respectively; Rees-Mogg moving his company to the EU (Dublin), Boris Johnson can become an American again any time he likes and it is alledged that the wellknown philanthropist Arron Banks has profited from associated Russian contracts - even an idiot would have to ask how confident are these super-rich Brexiteers in our destiny as a free-standing nation? Their actions over the last few months suggest that they have absolutely no confidence and that they are playing the chaos that they've created.
Oh, all the pro-brexit papers are owned by offshore owners & offshore money. The British press is owned by foreign interests & tax avoiders (a bit like the trains).
Unlike all these foreigners & their selfish interests, the politicians in their pockets; I'm stuck here, so I have to fight my corner.
It's the democratic way.
Brexit, its a mess: It appears that only the plebs will be left when the dust settles.
I don't think anyone can argue agianst that fact now.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 5:56am Citizen Smith wrote:
@ Dexter- It could be that the above people are securing alternatives in case the plebs are stupid enough to elect a hard left government under Corbyn.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 8:56am Mark wrote:
Citizen Smith appears to have bought into the narrative that the interests of the super rich coincide precisely with those of ordinary people - precisely as he has been instructed by the above-mentioned foreign media magnates who are so enthusiastic to see this country ripped to shreds.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 9:19am Sensible wrote:
Before the sad events following our victory in World War II, we had profitable trading relationships around the world especially in properly subjugated nations (not only our Empire) to which we had brought our great culture, military force and organisation. Even if it takes generations to bring this status back, I am in favour of it and am happy to have my family wait for it. The Common Market fears a powerful Britain. We are ready to cause them to augment that fear with respect. We will take back what we once gained then lost. Why should we not restore to Britain the area on the other side of the English Channel, restoring our position from the time when we needed to srape up the mess left by the defeatist cowardly French military, and to defend ourselves better in this age of threat from the east? Anyone who still campaigns to stay in Europe politically is in flagrant beach of the will of the British people, and must be regarded as ill and is to be shunned. Discipline and action, not wishy-washy negotiation, leads to the restoration of nationhood.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 9:39am Brit Wit wrote:
I voted to join the EEC back in the day, it was a community based on trade. The EU is just a corrupt group of bureaucrats. So I voted out. Why should the price of trade be free movement of economic migrants? Why should we have to pay out billions to be told what to do? Do we need an EU army? Don't start me on the Euro.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 10:14am A Person wrote:
What the US embassy thinks...
Since half the time the links don't work, it's the Poke website showing an extract from C4's fly-on-the-wall series at the US embassy. The main thing is that everyone who actually knows anything thinks Brexit will be a disaster, and that includes most senior Tories. Facts, dear boy, facts... (Or possibly "it's the economy, stupid")
Check it out here »
On 27 Jun 2018 at 11:01am Leaving wrote:
I voted Leave for several good reasons, none of which involved hating foreigners or wanting to return Britain to 1952. However, I don't think 52% is an overwhelming majority and given the utter shambles of Theresa May's handling of the negotiations, I think that we should vote again on the final options - preferably with more than a yes-no choice. It's too important to just leave it in the hands of what is possibly the least competent government and PM in living memory.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 11:49am Actually sensible wrote:
Lots of nice trolling on this thread but comment above is most sensible I've heard on here in a while.
We (courtesy of shambolic government) still have no idea what leaving actually looks like and it's effects. If you ask people to make a choice you need to give them the options, not a vague promise and fill in whatever blanks you like later invoking the will of the people.
Give us the real options and ask the question again.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 11:58am border |Control wrote:
FFS We had a vote. Leave won. End of story These people don't understand the words Win, Loose, No or Don't . Plus life just isn't always Fair.
We were always told by the EU we wouldn't get a great deal on leaving. We won't be the first to leave rest assured, I expect we could start our own Common market with other leavers soon.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 12:00pm A Person wrote:
We *are* the first to leave: that's the whole point.
What did you "win"? Please do explain. And also explain how it is being achieved in the hands of this government?
On 27 Jun 2018 at 1:17pm Clifford wrote:
EU rules: 'You will keep voting until you give us the right result. We did it to France, the Netherlands and Ireland. We'll do it to you.'
Meanwhile, in the real world:
'The EU is not – and cannot become – a democracy. Instead, it provides the most hospitable ecosystem in the developed world for rentier monopoly corporations, tax-dodging elites and organised crime. It has an executive so powerful it crushed the leftwing government of Greece; a legislature so weak that it cannot effectively determine laws or control its own civil service. A judiciary that, in the Laval and Viking judgments, subordinated workers’ right to strike to an employer’s right do business freely.'
On 27 Jun 2018 at 1:21pm Clifford wrote:
Brit Wit wrote: 'I voted to join the EEC back in the day, it was a community based on trade.'
I agree with what you say, but just a pedantic point. We were voting in 1975 on whether to stay in the EEC, not whether to join it.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 1:53pm Mark wrote:
It's a very hollow triumph against the rentier class, Clifford. Thatcher's decimation of our manufacturing base... Replaced with financial services. Take that away and there's nothing left. A gig economy with people delivering pizzas to each other?
On 27 Jun 2018 at 2:46pm @border control wrote:
Looks like you don't understand the words Advisory Referendum.
Why advisory? So if it turns out we don't have a clue what we're doing we aren't forced to go through with it. Sounds sort of like the position we're in now.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 3:01pm Bored wrote:
Luckily the government doesn't rely on this forum to run the Brexit process. Although the level of intelligence on here is on a par with May and her brexit cabinet. Every legal challenge has been tried and failed, much like the remaniacs 'advisory' argument, the cause is dead in the water. The only hope is that Labour, being typical snakes in the grass, change their position and offer a new vote as a manifesto pledge. Either way, I would prefer a nice short civil war, let the dogs loose on each other. Settle some scores, then go back to playing keyboard politician, Keyboard lawyer and keyboard bore.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 4:52pm Ghost of Maggie @ Mark wrote:
We did not decimate - We gave people the freedom of the Right to Buy. The right to not strike. The right to rejoice and be thankful. The right to buy and sell shares, of Utilities. We did not decimate, Mark. Denis says you masticate.
On 27 Jun 2018 at 5:20pm A Person wrote:
I have a hunch that this forum might do just as well as the bunch of utter incompetents who are supposed to be "running the country"...