On 5 Sep 2015 at 5:41pm Only Connect. wrote:
The critics of us accepting more refugees, state that there is not enough housing ,schools and hospitals to service their needs.This is true, so lets start building the low cost energy efficient public housing that they, and all our people need.Investment in infrastructure would create thousands of jobs and would benefit our economy , increase our tax receipts and get our economy moving.Lets ditch ideologically driven austerity and get cracking with investment in our country for all our sakes.
On 5 Sep 2015 at 6:03pm 8 miles from home wrote:
It will not be low cost to them Imi's swarming here. It'll be no cost. British First.
On 5 Sep 2015 at 6:11pm Rods Tiger wrote:
This thread isn't about immigrants, 8mfh, it's about refugees.
On 5 Sep 2015 at 6:29pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
Build more affordable housing, but don't let people in China buy it as part of their investment portfolio, otherwise the problem will persist.
On 5 Sep 2015 at 7:08pm Only Connect. wrote:
The Cabinet ministers whose constituencies house NO refugees… including Cameron. DAVID Cameron's posh countryside constituency is not home to a single asylum seeker.
Check it out here »
On 5 Sep 2015 at 8:07pm Double Jeopardy wrote:
I heard they were going to be housed in Ireland !
Lots of green space for them there..
I expect David Cameron has taken the Australian approach to Refugee's !
On 5 Sep 2015 at 8:37pm Country Boy wrote:
Refugees my arse! If they were all refugees they wouldn't be so choosy and demanding as to where they end up. Did you hear about the ones who hired a taxi to take them through Hungary?
On 5 Sep 2015 at 8:38pm Newell Fisher wrote:
This is an example of how it is the Left that actually understands how an economy works.
There is not a fixed amount of money or jobs to be shared out. Or, for that matter, tax receipts. Immigration helps an economy to grow. Especially if the immigrants in question have lost everything and just want the chance to start again.
Cue the usual right-wing sociopaths...
On 5 Sep 2015 at 8:49pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
@NewellFisher I'd question the pursuit of perpetual growth and the desirabilty of population growth. We should be aiming for sustainsbility.
However, although I think there are enough people in this country, I think the crisis has gone beyond debates about immigration. We have a clear moral duty to help and I've put aside my reservations and have started donating to the relief efforts. We can argue about the finer points when the people in distress have the food, clothing and shelter they need.
On 5 Sep 2015 at 9:28pm Newell Fisher wrote:
I agree that perpetual growth, in both senses, is not necessarily a good thing.
On 5 Sep 2015 at 10:16pm MaxPain wrote:
It IS actually mostly about economic migrants. If the UK were to be invaded, what would you think about the young healthy men that started to flee to Denmark? I would probably send my family away but I would fight for my country, my values and... well, probably not the queen.
Next thing - the government knows the migrants and the asylum seekers (wives, children, and those of alternative religions, etc) do encourage growth, buy LOWERING wages of the average worker. Doctors, nurses, teachers, electricians, project managers and every other job can be filled my migrants. But Politicians will ALWAYS be British. We are all in this together... I don't think so. How much have the Tories (or Labour) lowered immigration over the years? 'nuf said
On 5 Sep 2015 at 11:07pm Double Jeopardy wrote:
An opportunity not to be missed would be Paul Newman enticing the refugee's with his Penny Whistle to go all the way to the Outer Hebrides. He could read his mountains of Tory drivel to them once they have arrived & cannot escape him.
On 5 Sep 2015 at 11:21pm Newell Fisher wrote:
MaxPain provides simplistic explanations to complex questions. For example the assumption that all refugees would be after the lowest paid jobs.
On 5 Sep 2015 at 11:55pm MaxPain wrote:
MaxPain is Never Simple:
My Dear Mr Fisher, Are Doctors, Electricians, Project Managers the lowest paid jobs? I don't think so.
The Lowest paid jobs are the ones that have more applicants than jobs. That will soon be Doctors, Nurses, Electricians, Health care professionals, plumbers etc. It is NOT the cleaners coming to the UK, it is the BEST and BRIGHTEST from the middle east. It is NOT POOR people coming over it is the middle east middle and upper class. It is "good for the country" but bad for anyone trying to compete.
MaxPain travelled to other countries and did loads of jobs for a lower hourly wage than locals - just to get work and hope to become foreman.
Mr Fisher. Everyone is after the highest paid job, but if everyone is applying to be the GP for BN7 1HH, than the salary for that job will decrease. That IS simple, but that is economics. Don't pretend that you or the NHS would pay more for a British GP. (Football teams do pay more for British players, however)
On 6 Sep 2015 at 2:25am Newell Fisher wrote:
Sorry Max I'm not buying it. Here's why:
The assumption that foreign doctors etc coming here will depress wages for those jobs has no basis in truth, UNLESS using foreign applicants has already become a necessity due to lack of domestic applicants.
In which case our economy has already depressed the wage for that job, regardless of immigration.
On 6 Sep 2015 at 2:38am Peasant wrote:
Any Syrian qualified to work here as a GP just has to apply to a medical recruitment agency, and they will be given an airline ticket from Istanbul or Amman airport. They don't have to use people smugglers. They will be waved through immigration.
Actually they are mostly here, or in other Western countries, already. We don't train the doctors we need - we turn 10,000 well qualified British kids away from UK medical schools every year - so we have to scour the world to steal doctors from other, poorer, countries. It takes 10 years to train a GP from their admission to medical school, which explains why Cameron's promise to make GPs work a 7 day week was so ludicrous.
On 6 Sep 2015 at 5:02am Double Jeopardy wrote:
I can see something terrible happening out of this so called 'Refugee Crises' a kind of Trojan Horse..
I sort of understand the Syrian's running from their War-Torn Country but this crises is increasingly looking like 'Emigration' on the back of those Syrians. The "So called Refugee's" by all accounts are comprised of quite a large wide range of Nationalities.
My worry as one of the hardest hit in our Society by all of Cameron's cuts and constant scapegoating & ridicule is that Cameron will let EVERYONE in whether a true Refugee on not and from any Country..
On 6 Sep 2015 at 6:38am United wrote:
I've seen families from Millwall and Hackney stood in the queue of refugee's with Slovakians, Romanians, Ukrainians & Moldavians and towards the end of the queue are some Syrians..
On 6 Sep 2015 at 7:15am Sid wrote:
N h s and g.P's schools . housing . jobs. All this has now been sorted out over night with 10.000 to 15.000 pluss being let in the back door.
On 6 Sep 2015 at 9:53am Rosiecheeks wrote:
It should be sorted out at the source of the problem and get shot of the countries leaders who are corrupt. These migrants/refugees once here and settled into a council house and have every benefit going will not go back to their home country. I dont read newspapers and try not listen to The depressing news. Our politicians going back on their promises as usual. We need to be more like the French and look after number one!!!
On 6 Sep 2015 at 10:10am Metatron wrote:
The Governments policy to take genuine refuges from camps in Lebanon or Turkey is the right think to do as it cuts off supply to people smugglers and ensures that we take only families as opposed to the disproportionate amount of young Males. I wonder where all the females are and what their fate is?
On 6 Sep 2015 at 10:13am Mark wrote:
1. Asylum seekers are ineligible for benefits in this country and don't have the right to work.
2. It is repeated, failed attempts to sort out other countries that has created this problem.
3. The French have accepted more refugees than we have.
On 6 Sep 2015 at 1:25pm Newell Fisher wrote:
I wonder what papers some of those above are reading?
On 6 Sep 2015 at 7:27pm townie wrote:
So Fisher, how many Syrian's are you going to invite into your home ?
On 6 Sep 2015 at 7:57pm Vera wrote:
This is how the Germans greeted the refugees to their country.fantastic isnt it!
Check it out here »
On 7 Sep 2015 at 7:46am Muttley wrote:
1 Half of asylum seekers have asylum granted, then are eligible for benefits. All of them have to be housed and fed and treated (and it's quite right we do so)
2 That's at least as cynical and generalised a statement as saying that all immigrants are out for themselves and will destroy the country. In any case the UK policy is also to help people (direct aid) which is surely a good thing. It doesn't matter where refugees are when you're helping them. Or it shouldn't unless people are being small-minded.
3 France has MUCH more space than the UK. If the extra refugees we take aren't expected to be proportionate then that's just sentimentalist-driven insanity.
On 8 Sep 2015 at 7:58pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Not many, given the size of my home. So what?