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Go on, tell 'em what you think

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On 12 Jun 2013 at 11:06am Time on Hands wrote:
So I was made redundant by a large multi national. I have received some money from them to re-train but I'm at a loss as to what training to do. I have no mortgage, no debts and would like to work from home. Any ideas? Book keeping? some sort of craft business? pottery? I am a scientist by training, but would not like to go back to that.
On 12 Jun 2013 at 12:05pm grafter wrote:
you are making me jealous!
On 12 Jun 2013 at 3:38pm Southover Queen wrote:
It's obviously difficult to suggest anything when we don't know you, but you'd probably find it quite useful to set up two columns, one of plus points (things you like doing, things you're good at, specialist skills you have) and one showing the negatives - things you don't like doing or can't do.

It's a process I went through a couple of years ago, and my change of direction has worked really well for me. It does sound as if you have options, but you probably need to narrow things down a bit first. As someone who spent a large part of my early career in a very large organisation, I do know it can be quite disorientating when you first leave so give yourself a bit of time!
On 12 Jun 2013 at 4:49pm Time on hands wrote:
Thanks SQ. You are right. In an ideal world I would be a crime writer!. It's just a dream though!
On 12 Jun 2013 at 4:59pm Xplorer1 wrote:
You mentioned crafts: Lewes has a strong tradition of clock-making and repairing, and there's a musical instrument-making presence as well.
With the baby boomers retiring over the next 20 years, there's also bound to be a boom in genealogy as a pastime, and skill sin that may well be marketable.
On 13 Jun 2013 at 12:07pm the black shadow wrote:
While you're waiting you could do some research on the internet into large multinational corporations and their effect on the world..There's so much the mainstream is,shall we say,reticent about.Happy hunting!
On 13 Jun 2013 at 4:24pm No Pot Pourri wrote:
Maybe look at stuff the Yanks do, as it will probably catch on here. Teeth whitening, dog walking, cosmetic surgery, Starbucks.
Look at what you like doing and look at how they go about it. Copying an existing successful idea means you are far more likely to make a go of it.
On 13 Jun 2013 at 8:45pm ducatipete wrote:
Buy a narrowboat and live life to the full as I do. More to life than work.
On 15 Jun 2013 at 8:57pm Champagne Charlie wrote:
Time on hands !! Get a life ! Piss of abroad

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