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Ramping up for indulgence

On 4 Dec 2007 at 10:08pm lopster wrote:
Any sure fire ways of identifying Revels? think I've sussed raisin and chocolate but need to seperate the rest for the choosier members of my tribe
On 5 Dec 2007 at 6:44am walter wrote:
Obviously, suck the chocolate off first then seperate them. Works for, me cos the wife does the sucking and gets the chocolate which is her favourite!
On 5 Dec 2007 at 12:09pm down to earth wrote:
God i hate the coffee one and always get it mixed up with the toffee one which i love. I've now just given up in eating the small ones as i just cant tell the difference. As for sucking the chocolate of to find out what they are, if you cant stand the taste of coffee sweets you feel like throwing up when you discover one.
On 5 Dec 2007 at 4:51pm eric wrote:
On 5 Dec 2007 at 7:08pm zola wrote:
I like the minstrel typey ones,and the maltesers,and the toffee ones,hate the coconut,and the coffee.Thet should replace them with chocolate covered peanuts and raisins...What a interesting and silly thread!
On 5 Dec 2007 at 11:19pm down to earth wrote:
Hi there Zola, just to inform you that there are raisin ones in there, but a peanut one would be far better than the coffee.
On 5 Dec 2007 at 11:29pm zola wrote:
I must admit I haven't eaten Revels for years.I didn'T know there was a raisin one...I like plain chocolate better.There just aren't enough plain chocolate alternatives to our well loved choccy bars...Plain choc Kit Kat,passable.Cadbury Flake.Dire.Bournville....Ok,and I don't like Fry's chocolate cream.What I want is a plain choc Crunchie.O Yes.Wonder why they don't make more....?
On 6 Dec 2007 at 9:40am Its Not Rocket Science wrote:
I like the coffee ones best, they should sell packs of just them and I would be happy ! Is there something wrong with me ?
On 6 Dec 2007 at 10:01am Amethyst wrote:
If you're unsure if its coffee or toffee squeeze it between your fingers first.
On 6 Dec 2007 at 9:39pm down to earth wrote:
Putting them between your fingers is a great idea, but unfortunatly i like them when they have been in the fridge for a while. think i might need more visits down the gym

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