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Raft Race results

On 11 Jul 2017 at 10:18am Ratty wrote:
Position Organisation Raft name Time
1 UTC Harbourside TBC 1:32
2 BLB Surveyors HMS Sinksalot 1:52
3 Ringmer & Lewes YFC HMS Usain Boat 1:59
4 Ashprint/LLB HMS Ouse 2:08
5 A Band of Brothers HMS Brothers 2:10
6 Philip Mann Estate Agents HMS Man the Sails 2:14
7 Joe Bennett HMS Rafty McRaftface 2:16
8 Newhaven Town Council HMS Council Cruisers 2:18
9 Lewes Arms TBC 2:26
10 Amazon Logistics HMS Amazon Warriors 2:30
11 Bexhill Floaters HMS Galley Run 2:38
12 Brewers HMS Ousing-in-g with Confidence 2:40
13 Brewers HMS Queen of deNile 2:41
Becky Clark HMS Fish and Chips
15 Home care Eastbourne TBC 2:42
N/A HMS Jackaroo
17 Afloat HMS Disco or Die 2:44
Seahaven Maritime Academy HMS Motley Crew
19 Newhaven Chamber of Commerce HMS Elite 2:48
The Bull at Ditchling HMS Bullship
21 Squash Team HMS L-ouser-r 2:50
22 Southern Railway HMS Team Excalibur 2:59
23 Lewes Ambulance HMS Paddlemedics 3:07
24 The Crewmates HMS Cannon Balls Deep 3:14 part towed
12, 18, 30 Left at South Ease
On 11 Jul 2017 at 10:54am Ratty wrote:
Nice vid of the rowing too

Watch the video »
On 11 Jul 2017 at 11:25am Ouseday wrote:
APPEAL FOR WITNESSES: The organisers of Ouseday are sorry to report that one rafter was seriously injured during the main Round Table charity raft race on Sunday. The Southern Trains raft, with the number 17, had passed Tesco store and was 100 metres from Phoenix Causeway road bridge when a firework exploded on board. A banger or “rookie” is believed to have been thrown by a spectator on the riverbank. A rafter suffered an injury to his leg and was taken by ambulance to hospital in Brighton. He is expected to undergo surgery on Tuesday. Sussex Police have appealed for witnesses.

A spokesman for Riffrafters said: “We are sorry that such a wonderful day has ended with such an awful injury for one of our raft crew. Obviously we are very concerned and will be doing all we can to support the rafter and find out exactly what happened. We had 500 heroes on the water and more than 5,000 spectators on land, a day of joy that united two towns. All tainted by one fool with a firework.”

Round Table chairman Liam Jackson added: “Everyone involved is shocked and saddened. We are hoping and praying for a speedy recovery for the rafter and we would appreciate hearing from anyone who knows what happened.“ He added: “Safety is always our number one priority. We had 40 marshals on land this year, and a fleet of safety boats on the water. We will be doing a thorough review of the day, including this dreadful incident. ”

Anyone who saw the firework being thrown, or who knows the person involved, is asked to contact Riffrafters secretary John Lamb by phone on 07877 972375 or by email: [email protected]
On 12 Jul 2017 at 9:49am for the many not the few wrote:
There has to be people that were close to the area this happened that can provide info . A man has been seriously injured whilst taking part in an event to raise money for charity .
On 12 Jul 2017 at 10:30am Bonfire Boy wrote:
This was not acceptable and the person responsible deserves to be arrested and held to account.
On 12 Jul 2017 at 11:45am Sashimi wrote:
Bonfire Boy, you're absolutely right. Last Saturday's Ouseday event and the Moving On Parade on Friday represented everything that makes Lewes a really great place to live. I gather that other missiles including potatoes and eggs caused minor injuries. So, some sort of guidance needs to be issued and more effective marshalling put in place if this enjoyable event is to continue next year.
On 14 Jul 2017 at 3:36am Lopster wrote:
Any update on this?

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