On 28 Apr 2008 at 12:35pm windows wrote:
Does any one know why fireworks were being let off on Saturday?
I was in the Grange on Sat and enjoying a nice bit of time with the family and someone started letting off fireworks. Which made all the kids cry. What was this all about??
is there a reason?
On 28 Apr 2008 at 12:49pm WBS wrote:
They'll get over it.
Try wrapping them in more cotton wool next time.
On 28 Apr 2008 at 1:18pm Smiler wrote:
It was Lewes FC celebrating winning the Conference South and getting the cup.
Come on you Roo-ooks!
On 28 Apr 2008 at 2:18pm Dunk wrote:
Boo Hoo. Stay away on november the 5th then, cos your gonna have a house of shrieking kids then.
On 28 Apr 2008 at 5:34pm frieball wrote:
the person down the grange on saturday with the family
are you a lewes person .
On 28 Apr 2008 at 7:05pm lopster wrote:
Lewes celebrates with fireworks - Lewes fc given the cup and medals for topping the league (again!!) on Saturday afternoon is surely worthy of a little celebrating - go rooks go - BUT what of King? - this is a travesty
On 28 Apr 2008 at 7:10pm lopster wrote:
frieball you twonk why answer the first comment - I saw your comment oin the "last post" so read and answered it - only to find it half way up the list - add comments at the end (or is that too easy furball?)
On 28 Apr 2008 at 8:37pm you can have too many fireworks wrote:
Why is it that everytime someone asks about fireworks, they are accused of being anti-firwork softies?
I agree with you windows. I love fireworks and have been doing the 5th since the early 80's, but am getting more and more annoyed when they keep going off with no warning in the day. I don't have kids or animals to worry about, but I am grown up enough to understand that some people just don't like some of the very loud bangers the rest of us love. It is called being part of a community. You know, that thing we rely on to pay for, and support the 5th!
And before any of you start going on about newcomers into the town, my family have been here for centuries, and whilst I love some anarchistic firework fun, other members of my family hate it.
So windows, in answer to your question, it looks like it was Lewes Football club, some of whose supporters have to make up for their own physical inadequacies, with a different type of big banger. ;-)
On 28 Apr 2008 at 8:49pm lopster wrote:
Inadequacies? promotion from one division to another - particularly from semi-pro to pro is hardly inadequate - fireworks have tradiionally been used to celebrate significant occurances in any community - New Year? Queen's Jubilee(s)? Millennium (globally as well I seem to remember)?, weddings? birthdays? in the Middle east they shoot autmatic weapons into the air - amounts to thse same thing, what about the famous 21-gun salute - noise smoke and a great smell (not so that of the burning martyr though, the 4th July, EVERY night at Disney and Epcot and Universal - all over the world - come on you Rooks!!!! - Light up the sky...
On 28 Apr 2008 at 9:55pm Dunk wrote:
Ok I agree, sometimes fireworks can be annoying, but not worth whinging about just because of the odd saturday someone decides to let some off.
On 29 Apr 2008 at 8:43am Inspector Mouse wrote:
Dunk....I find your comments rather aggressive. not everyone in Lewes is pro-fireworks..also why let fireworks off in broad daylight???
On 29 Apr 2008 at 8:44am Liza Avon wrote:
Well said, 'You Can Have Too Many...' (Good name!) Have read enough threads on this forum to know that freedom of speech is not willingly granted to anyone complaining about too many fireworks. If you only knew Lewes through this forum you'd think the entire town is fireworks barmy and there's no other opinions. However there are plenty of people who think fireworks are over-used in this town, and that where once they were an exciting once a year novelty, they're now a boring cliche. And yes, before anyone starts on the usual 'incomer' rants, loads of us who feel this way were born and bred here.
On 29 Apr 2008 at 8:45am Longview Girl wrote:
Yes! Why let them off in daylight? Doesn't that make them... um... a bit hard to see??
On 29 Apr 2008 at 9:10am Taff wrote:
Bloody good to listen too though!
On 29 Apr 2008 at 9:53am WBS wrote:
Not if they're bangs it doesn't.
Christ, everyone has to have something to moan about so they can be happy.
On 29 Apr 2008 at 10:16am Inspector Mouse wrote:
WBS....are you telling me that you are happy with everything that goes on??
Can't see the pleasure in listening to a series of explosions myself....but then I'm not a testoterone packed numbskull....
On 29 Apr 2008 at 10:54am Windows wrote:
Well thanks 'you can have too many fireworks' for the answer. I am a big fan of fireworks and would'nt mind getting more envolved with the BS in Lewes. As long as there's a reason for letting them off.And as it turns out Lewes FC did really well, so well done!
That's all I wanted to know.
I must say that I don't like the fact that I was immediatly accused of being anti fireworks though! what's wrong you people (WBS,Dunk)? did you learn any lessons from History? 17 martyrs???
Thank you helpful people anyway.
On 29 Apr 2008 at 2:24pm WBS wrote:
Inspector Morose, I thought we did rather well and they seemed to go down well and be taken in the spirit they were intended. You (along with Longview Girl) asked why let fireworks off in daylight. I replied. Sometimes fireworks are designed for daytime use.
There are 2 polar groups here it seems, bonfire people and the venomously non-bonfire people. Never the twain shall meet it would seem. One group can understand the others position, the other group cannot and has to moan. I'll let you decide which camp you prefer to be in.
On 29 Apr 2008 at 6:52pm Dunk wrote:
Windows, I am educated, and know various aspects of history. My comment understandibly must have annoyed you so for that, I appologise. Like you ( and as I stated), it can be annoying but at the time, i didnt agree that it was worth the bother mentioning. You are entitled to your opinion and i wouldnt take that away from you.
Inspector Mouse, "aggresive"? I certainly didnt tell our good friend to get out of Lewes under a verbal abuse of name calling. I'd never stoop that low. I agree it was a bit shallow though.
On 29 Apr 2008 at 11:40pm kendo caster wrote:
as far as i could see the fireworks were some sort of maroons and flashing thunders, all noise, so theres not much to see anyway
On 30 Apr 2008 at 4:45am FA wrote:
With a few yellows, some squidly-diddlys, and a coulple of magnolias thrown in for good measure ;o)
On 1 May 2008 at 3:54pm Phaedra Isabella wrote:
Ooh, wondered what it was. We knew they were fireworks, but couldn't figure out what they were for in April. The banging put an end to a brewing domestic, and me and my housemates wondered what on earth was going on. We ran outside, saw the remaining smoke in the distance, shrugged and got on with making dinner, and no arguments were had that evening. How nice.