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RE: Lewes Old Racecourse Bridle Paths

On 14 Oct 2017 at 2:44pm Concerned Nevil Tenant wrote:
As a resident who is very active in the Nevill community today,
I have written this verse as I would like the opportunity to say,
That the abusive verbiage on this thread is really not the way,
We seek to unite community this attitude is abysmal and grey!
The posts on this thread just encourage to entice local hatred to one and all,
If problems locally concern you Nevill Residents should be your first port of call,
Posting on this thread is as productive as banging your head against a brick wall,
Any problems that arise can be solved in a way in which we still stand up tall!
I am convinced that the individual in question is really not looking for a fight,
Surely we should communicate and give him the chance to put things right,
Attacking someone you profess to be the bad guy does not appear very bright,
Community spirit seems to be a principle of which we have all lost our sight!
Now has to be the time do things the right way from here on in,
Forget about comments that are blasphemous and make you sin,
We should be able to communicate with friend or foe and still grin,
Community spirit should always prevail through thick and thin!
If anyone has issues that they would like to discuss,
It can be done in an adult way without all this fuss,
Now is the time to wake up & realise the truth is thus,
Better ways of community working can only be a plus!
On 14 Oct 2017 at 5:35pm Gaard B'gger wrote:
un who tries to move our paths can close en eyes an' kiss moy .......Cuz druv we wunt be.
On 14 Oct 2017 at 9:08pm Not sure wrote:
Not sure what the original thread was but there's some residents up on the racecourse who have built a new doubletrack and are 'encouraging' walkers to use it rather than the original one that goes nearer their house. Obviously they need ignoring lest landowners county wide get it into their tiny heads that buying land with rights of way going through them with a view to later altering the direction of said ancient footpaths or bridleways, is their right, which it most certainly is not.
On 14 Oct 2017 at 11:57pm Sensible wrote:
It's private land, isn't it? I think the landowners who pay for, and curate, the land have a better idea of what's good for it than some irregular walkers from outside the curtailment who don't own proper land, and who don't have the responsibility of handing it down to future generations.
On 15 Oct 2017 at 6:58am Roger wrote:
It may be private land but the footpaths and bridleways have been there for hundreds of years, and would have been known to the purchaser when the land was brought.
On 15 Oct 2017 at 8:10am De L'odger wrote:
Bought - you'll thank me that I brought that to your attention. Kind regards.
On 15 Oct 2017 at 7:24pm MG wrote:
Sensible: public foopaths contitute part of the Queen's (or King's) highway. They are clearly marked on any conveyancing map, and rights of passage override anything else the land-owner may wish to do. Some of them go back to early Plantagenet times: King John in particular used to annoy his barons by going in unexpected directions across their land because anywhere the king travelled became the King's Highway.
There are legal processes to get the paths diverted if there is a good reason. Wanting to divert the plebs does not constitute a good reason.
Meanwhile, I don't think Johns Agard and Grave Nichols need woryy about competition from Concerned Neville McGonagall
On 16 Oct 2017 at 10:34am @Sensible wrote:
For someone claiming to be "sensible" your argument why the landowner can do what he wants is ridiculous.
They also they have a responsibility to maintain footpaths and hand them down to future generations.

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