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Question for Southover Mum

On 11 Apr 2016 at 1:55pm True Lewesian wrote:
I was recently shown a comment made by you on a thread, regarding the closure of Pells School.
I was horrified to read your comment regarding the possible placement Of Pells pupils in Southover School. From one Southover Mum to another, I would like to know, what makes you or your children better than anyone else?
Perhaps you should be reminded that in life, you should never look down at anyone, unless you're helping them up!
Your cruel comment only highlighted your utter snobbery and shallow mind. If this is what you're passing on to your children then perhaps, you need to take a long hard look at yourself before judging innocent children.
On 11 Apr 2016 at 2:36pm Lewes Lady of 4 decades wrote:
I think you will find that Southover Mum is neither a mum or lives anywhere near Southover..They are what is called a Troll....a sad lonely person who's only way of making themselves feel good is to post tripe on here...
On 11 Apr 2016 at 5:15pm Do Not Feed The Trolls wrote:
By posting what you have it means the obvious troll has won. It wound you up enough to get a reaction from you. This is exactly what they wanted and will only encourage them more. Dont fall for it. Just ignore the moron(s) until they get bored and go away.
On 11 Apr 2016 at 6:17pm True Lewesian wrote:
Just because someone has a strong opinion, such as Southover Mum, it doesn't mean that they are a troll! I have no doubt in my mind that Southover Mum is who she says she is, I also have no doubt that there are others who share the same opinion. My response is simply for this small minority of people, trolls or not, if they have read it, I'm happy.
On 11 Apr 2016 at 8:25pm Trolls Hunter wrote:
I would bet my mortgage that southover mum is a troll
On 11 Apr 2016 at 8:27pm Allie wrote:
We are a bit worried about a high intake of Pells pupils as they come from a different background (most of them).
On 11 Apr 2016 at 8:47pm a little unsure?? wrote:
Allie..what different background do you mean?
On 11 Apr 2016 at 9:42pm Pells Mum wrote:
We might not want our children mixing with the Southover yobbos.
On 11 Apr 2016 at 10:28pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
I agree that it was probably trolling. There are a few people - one in particular - who like to paste inflammatory right wing/Katie Hopkins style posts and watch everyone get in a tizzy. Sadly, they're often hard to distinguish from the genuinely nutty posts.
On 12 Apr 2016 at 7:10am Matthew Hopkins wrote:
Just a witch hunt.
On 12 Apr 2016 at 9:15am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I read Southover Mum's post as (an attempt at) satire; poking fun at the attitudes of a certain type of affluent parent.
It says a lot about the scope for misunderstandings when the same post can be interpreted in at least 3 different ways.
On 12 Apr 2016 at 1:04pm Ross wrote:
Still waiting for a response from Allie?
On 12 Apr 2016 at 9:39pm Allie wrote:
Affluent and educated versus poor and uneducated parents, I guess. I think most people are a bit scared if other classes but who knows.
On 12 Apr 2016 at 10:43pm Bud wrote:
Obviously affluent and very poorly educated, Allie, otherwise you wouldn't have such a myopic and view of people who are 'poor and uneducated'. What exactly is so scary? I'd say you need to get out more and mix more socially. Try joining a bonfire society (not southover) ?
On 13 Apr 2016 at 8:53am Ross wrote:
Fully agree bud. It's incredibly narrow minded. Can I ask what your worries are Allie before my uneducated, poor self either attempts to put your mind at ease or provides you with a few home truths?
On 13 Apr 2016 at 10:31am a pells mother wrote:
Good morning..i did look around Southover school the other day, it wasn't at all out of league as many have put it! As far as I could could see not every one had money, that went to that school..many of the children I meet all needed new uniform and plenty needed new shoes. We all know what's it like to get new uniform nearer the end of the school year. So Southover mum may see a few parents from pells in September but not me..ill still look around !!
On 13 Apr 2016 at 11:44am Seriously! wrote:
Why do people believe such nonsense? True Lewesian this is not a forum to be reading for much truth- it's an ongoing wind up. Very little here should be taken with any truth or seriousness ....
On 1 Sep 2016 at 8:46pm old_timer wrote:
I used to work at Southover. There were a very few odd-bods there who need more to occupy their minds, but mostly great people.

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