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Quality of Life

On 24 Oct 2013 at 11:02am The Old Mayor wrote:
Does Lewes fall into a Market Town ? Although it went years ago ! And we're not exactly bustling. We might tick a few other boxes though ?

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On 24 Oct 2013 at 12:27pm Lewes resident wrote:
Fast becoming more of a London dormitory town I'd say.....
How is "market town" defined? If it needs a town to hold a regualr weekly market (of the same type each week) then no, Lewes is no longer a market town.
If less frequent "pop up" "Farmers markets" or "French Markets" etc count then yes, maybe it still is....
On 24 Oct 2013 at 12:58pm jude wrote:
Surely a market town has to have a regular weekly, bi weekly market that is an intergral part of the economy of the town and local surroundings ?
The farmers market and friday market are very much niche events that are not ESSENTIAL to the local economy of the town (the town will not suffer much without them), although they are very nice, and bring a few tourists in. (That's because the products on offer are way too expensive for the average person to rely on).
My home town (Kingston-upon-Thames) is a real market town - proper fruit and veg stalls every day and a thriving Monday morning market for general goods and products. It's a real shame that Brighton doesn't offer anything similar.
On 24 Oct 2013 at 1:19pm other Lewes Resident wrote:
Lewes used to be a market when there was a cattle market , but the Farmers Market is just a rip off when you can buy the same product cheaper in a shop in Lewes.so no Lewes is not a Market Town in my opinion. Proper Markets are where the goods are much cheaper than in the shops and where you also have auctions of local produce.
On 24 Oct 2013 at 2:19pm old bean wrote:
it could definitely do with a decent fruit and veg market and a bigger more reasonably priced version of the farmers market, there's plenty of space to hold it, most town markets nowadays seem to be selling cheap household tat and stuff you can buy in the poundshop which i find quite depressing. gone are the days of proper markets methinks.
On 25 Oct 2013 at 1:57pm Lewes resident wrote:
Totally agree with all three of you (J,OLR and OB).
So, I think we all agree Lewes is no longer a Market town in the traditional sense of that term.

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