On 12 Mar 2014 at 8:31pm Henry wrote:
I'm between broadband providers at the moment and have some stuff to do.
Does anyone know of a pub in Lewes with decent wifi?
On 12 Mar 2014 at 8:54pm Tipex wrote:
Gardeners and snowdrop.
On 12 Mar 2014 at 9:09pm Henry wrote:
Has the Snowdrop upgraded then, the last time I was in the wifi was terrible and the only place that could get any signal was upstairs at the back.
On 12 Mar 2014 at 9:14pm The Old Mayor wrote:
Of course, you'll all be aware that public wifi isn't secure for some information and data. Security isn't strong.
On 12 Mar 2014 at 9:15pm Al Murray wrote:
I can't actually think of a pub that doesn't have wifi. Lewes Arms I imagine but I don't use the hole
On 12 Mar 2014 at 10:16pm Tipex wrote:
Yes snowdrop has new Wifi and it's fine. £4.50 for pint of Bud could be seen as an indirect charge for the privilege however.
On 12 Mar 2014 at 11:56pm Wi-fi wrote:
I use the Wifi at The Lansdown Arms when I'm waiting for the train, always works fine but I did notice the barman kindly asking a young guy not to download movies while only having a tap water, was pretty funny!
On 13 Mar 2014 at 8:15am Albert Square wrote:
Pelham has reasonable wifi, Brewers has the Cloud (free if you are on Sky), Nero is Cloud too I think.
On 13 Mar 2014 at 9:35am Computer Nick wrote:
The Kings Head has a 16MB broadband link and free wifi.
The wifi doesn't reach to the garden though.
On 13 Mar 2014 at 10:33am The Cloud user wrote:
I get free cloud and I'm not with Sky. I just downloaded the App. It links up auto whenever I walk in anywhere that has it.
On 13 Mar 2014 at 1:47pm huw wrote:
We have free WiFi at the Elephant and Castle.
Not sure of the specs as I'm a bit of a luddite.
On 13 Mar 2014 at 4:48pm geoff wrote:
And the barber in Friar's Walk if you fancy a haircut as well!
On 13 Mar 2014 at 6:16pm Tony@TheSnowdrop wrote:
Yes we have upgraded Wi-fi provision at the Snowdrop.
I would like to point out that we do not serve and will not in future serve 'Bud' beer at the Snowdrop. 'Bud' is a trademark of Anhauser Busch InBev, the world's largest brewer and refers to the beer named 'Budweiser'. it is a beer of American origin, widely regarded as being one of the lowest examples of the brewers' craft ever produced. It is made with up to 30 percent rice instead of malted barley which accounts for its characteristic lack of taste and significantly reduces its cost of ingredients. The brewery's founder, Adolphus Busch consistently described the beer that made the family billions as 'that slop' and absolutely refused to ever drink it. (Q: Why is a pint of Budweiser like making love in a canoe? A: they are both f****** close to water!).
We sell Budweiser Budvar, a Czech beer generally acknowledged to be one of the world's greatest lagers, that is made in the Bohemian town of Budweis. It is brewed using whole hop flowers and 100 per cent malt, and lagered (aged in a cold environment) for 90 days.
It is the lagering process that gives this beer style its name. Budvar has a total brewing cycle of around 100 days, traditional lagering should be for a minimum of 60 days, whereas large-scale commercial 'lagers' like Bud, Fosters, Stella, Kronenbourg, etc have a cycle of around 21 days, so it would be technically correct to say that they are not actually lagers at all.
We are very proud at the Snowdrop to offer an amazing range of some the greatest beers we can find, both locally and further afield. Sourcing our beers is one of the most enjoyable aspects of my job and we always aim to provide a range that is second to none. Quality, relying as it does on the best ingredients, traditional methods, greater skill and longer production times, comes at a cost. But i do know from personal experience that the cheapest beer is almost never, ever the best value!
On 13 Mar 2014 at 8:20pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Haha, owned.
On 14 Mar 2014 at 8:00am Clifford wrote:
Tony, ah yes, Budvar. Almost makes an atheist like me believe there may be a god.
On 14 Mar 2014 at 9:22am ducatipete wrote:
Hi Tony Very informative. It's good to know you you have such a passion for quality.
On 14 Mar 2014 at 4:45pm Tipex wrote:
Tony. 500 ml bottle of budvar (fractionally under a pint) at the gardeners costs £3.20. Can you explain?
On 16 Mar 2014 at 12:25am Tony@TheSnowdrop wrote:
No Tipex, I'm not party to other pubs' sourcing & pricing policies so I can't explain. I would hazard a guess that the facts that a) they are bottles, and therefore b) are likely to be a very small proportion of their sales mix, might factor somewhere in their decision-making, but really, honestly, I haven't a clue!
I would also point out that we serve Meantime Pilsner, another properly lagered (six weeks), unpasteurised, reasonably locally-sourced, award-winning beer with an abv of 4.4 per cent as our house lager at £3.90 a pint if you don't want to pay £4.50 for a pint of Budvar. I believe this is exceptionally good value when compared to what's generally charged for mainstream beers referred to in the industry as 'cooking lagers'.
The team at the Snowdrop take great pride in only selling beers (of all styles) of really high quality. I can't promise that everyone will love all of them; some styles are more challenging than others (which is why we are always happy to offer tasters of our draught beers before buying). But I believe passionately that lagers can be as nuanced and interesting as ales and that British lager drinkers have been extremely badly served by the drinks industry over the years.
However, serving a portfolio of amazing beers across the board means that we don't have any really high GP products that can subsidise other products (the truth is that in a lot of real ale pubs, low ale prices are effectively subsidised by cooking lager drinkers, which some ale drinkers might want to remember the next time they sneer at someone ordering a pint of Fosters!).
We source all our beers on quality first and foremost and then price them in line with their cost. This means that we sometimes stock some of the most expensive beers available. While a 7.5 per cent IPA or a 10.5 per cent Imperial Stout can be sublime, they are not for everyone for every day. We always aim to offer a range of beers at a range of prices and I do believe that we offer good value, whatever the beer.
Other pubs have different policies that work for them and their customers and that's to everyone's benefit. We do our best for our particular audience, as do all the other great pubs in Lewes. If you'd rather drink a bottle of Budvar in the Gardeners for £3.20 than a pint of Budvar in the Snowdrop for £4.50, I have no wish to persuade you to do otherwise. But I would encourage you to sip slowly and savour one of the greatest beers in the world because if you are not tasting the difference between that a Bud, you really are missing out!
On 16 Mar 2014 at 5:43am lewes born and bred wrote:
@Tipex. I think, roughly translated, the above means if you don't like paying the price in the Snowie, either don't drink it or f*** off to the Gardeners.
On 16 Mar 2014 at 9:24am Tipex wrote:
Born and bred - you're an aggressive nob. Tony - a good point well made. We'll agree to differ.
On 19 Mar 2014 at 2:01pm Gavin wrote:
1/2 Moon Plumpton has Wi-Fi and a great view of the South Downs. Good food, good beer...what kept you!