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Public sector pay increase

On 24 Jul 2018 at 12:00pm Aycarumba wrote:
Wow! How dare the government do this...
I bet Corbyn and his pals are furious!
On 24 Jul 2018 at 12:10pm Tinker wrote:
It would take pay rises of much more than these to compensate for years of pay freeze. No wonder there's a shortage of teachers, doctors, nurses etc.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 12:29pm Clifford wrote:
Tinker, I thought there was a shortage of doctors and nurses because we don't train enough, preferring to import ready-trained workers from poorer countries. Teachers - I think it is more to do with the fact that they aren't allowed to get on with the job they joined up to do: teach.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 12:51pm Easily led wrote:
I'm sure you'll also have noticed that this isn't new money, just a relaxing of the cap, so any pay rises will have to be funded by cutting services elsewhere.

Sometimes it's important to read the article, not just the headline, otherwise you might make a fool of yourself posting about it online.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 12:52pm Local wrote:
I suppose you know lots of teachers and nurses then Clifford! I have a few friends who are newlu qualified teachers, two of them are upping sticks and moving to the Middle East to teach next year for a couple of years. The money in the UK does not stack up if hoping to buy a house in this area etc
On 24 Jul 2018 at 1:16pm CivilServant wrote:
What Easily led said - there is no extra money, so this will result in "efficiencies" - is service cuts. I work for one of the largest departments and have had some pay increases of 1% in recent years, but many have been a princely 0%. So effectively, we have had a pay cut each year for the last 7 years. Always easier when it's happening to someone else, isn't it?
On 24 Jul 2018 at 1:20pm CivilServant wrote:
Apparently after a straight seven years of little or no increases affecting 1 million employees and their families, this is a "bonanza" - it just beyond me how people can write/believe this rubbish.

Check it out here »
On 24 Jul 2018 at 1:21pm You wrote:
I wonder why May, having given such a large increase, 3.5x the cap for teachers, now?
And why only to certain groups of workers? I mean, she would be trying to manipulate people somehow would she? Unlikely I know. These politicians have the Country's best interests at heart obviously that's why they're politicians, but I can't help feeling there might be some poilitcal motivation for this somewhat divisive pay award.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 1:22pm hector wrote:
Yes Easily Led, smoke and mirrors as usual. Money has to be made from savings 'elsewhere'. No new money of course. So just continue to squeeze the silent poor again I suppose..
Vote seeking callous Conservatives under the yoke of Neo Liberal dogma and their multi national corporation mates all served by a complaint press.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 1:27pm Press Complaint wrote:
On 24 Jul 2018 at 1:28pm Moan. moan, moan wrote:
Nobody complains like a Lewisian.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 1:57pm Man wrote:
You may be right moan, moan, moan but I've never met a Lewisian myself.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 2:35pm Dexter wrote:
10 years of real term pay-cuts for nearly all public sector workers, the majority of which will still get a pay-cut with this deal. That's on top of further cuts needed to pay for this, busses, social care, street cleaning, roads, police, fire services, fly tipping, education, music services..., I'm boring myself so I'll stop.
Even after 10 years there are still people out there that don't appear to understand the basic fact that a 1% wage rise during a 2-3% period of inflation is a pay cut.
Maybe its an age thing as the Tory parties membership gets older & older their faculties are dimming along with Conservative party numbers.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 3:25pm @man wrote:
There are a few of us left. Not all DFL's.
On 24 Jul 2018 at 4:39pm Tescoboy wrote:
These whiners have been overpaid for years.
If they don't like it go find another job in the private sector. Try contributing to a personal pension and see how hard it is.
You've got a pay rise. Be grateful you miserable lot!
On 24 Jul 2018 at 5:06pm @Tescoboy wrote:
Who's the whiner? You should listen to yourself you poor love.
Is life a bit too hard for you?
It heartbreaking to know you are left wishing your sad & miserable misfortune on others. I suggest you can start by putting the Daily Mail down to start with, it really is full of spiteful lies such as rubbish about public sector pensions.
My best wishes and be happy. X

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