On 7 May 2011 at 11:25am Ashley Price wrote:
Dear Priory Ward Residents and Businesses
Well, it seems that 996 residents put their faith in me to be the Town Councillor for the Ward.
To say I was stunned is an understatement as I had no expectation of being elected. However, I feel humbled that enough of you have shown that you DO want me to represent you and I will serve the Ward to the best of my ability. After all, I live here myself.
I will be out and about in the coming weeks and months, but in the mean time you can also follow me on Twitter: @AshleyPriceGP for all my council work. You can also email me at: [email protected]
I look forward to hearing from you.
Ashley Price
Green Party Town Councillor, Priory Ward, Lewes
On 7 May 2011 at 12:27pm Paul Newman wrote:
Well done Ashley I hope by the end of your reign we have re-adopted a simple agrarian life style and turned our backs on the corrupting fruits of a system based on greed .
To that end can I suggest some sort of community dance to greet the morn ? Lewes has strong tradition of pagansim and it is time to re -emphasise the female earth principle over the male sky god. It would be a small step to feeling be part of our world not separate and exploitative of it.
If you are agree-able I can assist both with the choreography and costume. Call me , I `m in the book ...
On 7 May 2011 at 3:53pm High Dudgeon wrote:
Well done, Ashley. Could you make one of your first jobs to get the Town Council website sorted out? Even before the election it was impossible to find out who our councillors (or even the mayor) were and now it tells me that Lewes District Council won't be supplying the results until Monday. That was posted at 6.36pm when I'd already heard that one of your Green colleagues had been elected. Mind you, Lewes DC is no better - their website advises that the Town Council results will be posted at approximately 4pm on Friday 6th May! Are you sure you've been elected?! Any chance of someone in know posting the results on this forum?
On 7 May 2011 at 4:41pm Clifford wrote:
I second that High Dudgeon. Another thing worth looking at is how the TC ignores e-mail requests for information - I only got a reply by making a formal complaint, which does feel like having to make a mountain out of a molehill.
On 7 May 2011 at 5:11pm Ashley Price wrote:
Thanks for the comments. Technically I'm not a councillor until I sign the declaration on Thursday, so you could be right, it might be a big joke.
Yes, the TC and DC sites aren't that good are they. I will certainly bring up the points about ease of use and the "ignoring" of emails by TC as soon as I am allowed to.
On 7 May 2011 at 8:44pm Paul Newman wrote:
Hey and what about my community dance idea then ? I`ll write a song if you like...
" Oh earth who gives us warmth and life
We`re sorry we're so cruel
We like to ride in big flash cars
And gorge on fossil fuel
Oh crumbs we feel so silly now
We should have stayed in caves
Not run around improving things
Thats no way to behave
Lorks I know we dropped the ball
Screwed up up everything screwable
When we should have sipped on guilt and shame
which is at least renewable
I can do more ?
I thought if all the women in Neville wore some sort of diaphanous gown around skipped around holding hands chanting that it would really help start the day . What do you think ?
On 8 May 2011 at 12:07am Boo Khaki wrote:
Paul Newman is a basher of his bishop!
On 8 May 2011 at 2:35pm Hoodie Hugger wrote:
I don't know, I think he makes some excellent points.
On 8 May 2011 at 4:27pm Matt Kent wrote:
Well Done Ashley
You were already a great ambassador for Lewes before you were elected and I'm very sure you will continue. Regarding the Town Hall website, this needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Improving it was one of the many reforms Lewes Green Party proposed to the other parties back in April (see link). It goes without saying that all councillors, at any level, should make themselves as contactable and accessible as possible in the modern age, and I hope soon my colleagues will agree to weekend surgeries that promote the aims of the Town Council and engage with its residents. Sadly, too many people have spoken to me in the past and asked 'What exactly does the Town Council do?' Hopefully the new and existing Councillors can get out there and answer that question more often and encourage residents to see us in action. Cheers - Matt
Lewes Town Councillor Matt Kent, Bridge Ward
email:[email protected]
Check it out here »
On 9 May 2011 at 6:05am David Carter wrote:
Which of Newmans points do you think are excellent Hoodie Hugger? Try as I might I can't see that he has made any.
Are you Tory councillor Donna Edmunds? If so, you should probably use your real name (as the Green and Lib Dem councillors do).
On 9 May 2011 at 6:47am i dont live in lewes... wrote:
Dear Matt,
Town councillors do FA.
Convince me otherwise.
On 9 May 2011 at 9:06am Matt Kent wrote:
Will do Phil! Cheers - Matt
On 9 May 2011 at 9:35am Paul Newman wrote:
It will be refreshing to seen new blood on the local scene and the Greens seem to draw new people and energy ... fine. Matt is a palpably decent fellow and deserves every chance . My problem is that at National level it is a terrifyingly left wing Party, strikes anti American postures and countenances ideas that strike me as utter nonsense.
Whether this matters much at local level I don't know but my eyes were opened when I listened to Councillor Susan Murray at a hustings. If you had to describe her views it would be something like Communism with Green bits.
On 9 May 2011 at 11:03am Ashley Price wrote:
To Phil: As you're name on here is "I don't live in Lewes..." I assume you won't actually see the results my colleagues like Matt, Richard, Susan, Roger and myself (all Green Party) will produce over the coming months and years.
Nor the fact that the Green Party Councillors in Lewes have been instrumental in getting a local Youth Centre reopened in recent years, helping on a community bus service, and so on.
On 9 May 2011 at 1:36pm Ashley Price wrote:
Phew!! It turns out I HAVE been elected and it isn't some big joke. You can see the elected Town Councillors here:
Check it out here »
On 9 May 2011 at 1:41pm I dont live in lewes... wrote:
You assume correctly Ashley insomuch as I can't see any of your proposed results because they are a prediction rather than an actual.
Though not resident I was born and bred in Lewes and my interest remains.
To clarify... I'm not saying that TC members aren't well meaning, but with such a limited budget and powers I question whether they are needed.
Another tier of bureaucratic crud maybe?
To Matt.
Cheers mate! I look forward to being converted.