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Premier inn

On 25 Jul 2013 at 6:07pm Annmarie wrote:
Am I the only person that thinks plans for the premier inn is a good idea ?
On 25 Jul 2013 at 6:20pm Clifford wrote:
It looks like it.
On 25 Jul 2013 at 6:20pm Clifford wrote:
It looks like it.
On 25 Jul 2013 at 8:22pm Lewes30 wrote:
No, your not on your own, I think it's a brilliant idea, the town needs to move into the future in order to survive.
On 25 Jul 2013 at 9:23pm Spartacus wrote:
Not that keen on the back and the parking needs to be sorted out but on the whole I like the idea of a Premiere Inn.
Really can't stand all the nimby moaning and scare mongering by the no campaign, let alone the alternatives they propose, don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Check it out here »
On 25 Jul 2013 at 9:34pm cyclist wrote:
I have no objection to a Permier Inn as such and the alternative proposals given are just arty farty nonsense. There is a lack of affordable decent accomodatin in the town. However I do think the design is pretty awful. Not that the magistrates is much to look at. The parking also needs to be sorted out but the parking in the whole town needs sorting out.
On 25 Jul 2013 at 9:57pm Old Malling wrote:
There seem to be people who want to object to the building and others who don't want a budget hotel chain in the town. Fair enough if you don't like the architecture but I'm afraid that Lewes has had many years to create a good budget hotels and we've ended up with the Crown and White Hart. FAIL!!! Time to give the professionals a chance.
On 25 Jul 2013 at 10:29pm footymum wrote:
Really looking forward to a Premier Inn. Jobs and money being brought to Lewes. Fed up of all these fancy dan shops that don't sell anything I need. No hotels that families can afford.
If people don't like it they can always move to Cooden Beach!!! I am surprised the moaning brigade haven't moaned about the new toy shop / stationers soon to open.
On 25 Jul 2013 at 11:06pm lewes resident wrote:
I think it will be good and hope we can have some "normal" shops as well,
On 26 Jul 2013 at 12:50am Local wrote:
Interesting read, that link. A load of day-dreaming, and by the way, anyone who calls Bonfire a 'Fire Festival' is clearly nothing to do with Lewes!
On 26 Jul 2013 at 12:32pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I'm all in favour of a budget hotel in Lewes, just not there. It's a really prominent position, and as such whatever goes there will have an impact on the perception of the whole town centre.
What makes Lewes attractive to visitors is its quirkiness and individuality. The more mainstream businesses that take over prime sites, the more that will be lost.
I also find the proposed design boring, mundane and inappropriate for its setting. It looks the outcome of an incestuous liaison between the new police station and the houses in St John Street where the HQ gallery was. How anyone can contemplate sticking that next door to the lovely Fitzroy Library beats me.
I concede that corner of town doesn't have much going for it, architecturally speaking, but imo that's all the more reason to raise the bar in design terms, not lower it.
Unfortunately, a budget hotel chain is unlikely to provide an outstanding building. The clue's in the name.
On 26 Jul 2013 at 12:45pm footymum wrote:
ACT Not sure County Hall gives a good impression as you approach Lewes but that got built. It's always an eyesore in the distance. All the empty shops dotted around do not help. These overly priced quirky dress shops keep closing down and stay empty for ages as well.
I personally find the library an ugly bricky building .
On 26 Jul 2013 at 4:17pm Old Cynic wrote:
The design is a bit boring from the front and the back is dire and needs improvement and it needs parking - but the court building was never up to much and I'd rather see a dull building full of visitors / shoppers than a rotting court house. Also architects are unable to do 'in keeping' - it just becomes twee pastiches as anyone who has been to Poundbury in Dorset will tell you. If no one wants a mid-priced hotel, then it will fail, but Premier must have done their homework. ACT - Fitzroy is IMHO a rather dull bit of Victoriana and I imagine conversations very much like this one where going on back in the day!
On 26 Jul 2013 at 5:10pm A person wrote:
The real disgrace is the fact that The White Hart and the Crown continue to ensnare visitors because there is nowhere else to go. Believe me, that's much more damaging to the town than a fairly anodyne hotel development - once the rear and the lack of parking is sorted out, at any rate. For the record, I love the Old Library and would celebrate it as an example of fine Victorian Gothic by one of the premier architects of the day.

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