Lewes Forum thread

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Premier Inn

On 1 Oct 2017 at 10:44am Q wrote:
Now it's settled in, does anybody stand by their objections voiced on this forum?
On 1 Oct 2017 at 11:00am Savoy wrote:
Why do you ask?
On 1 Oct 2017 at 1:17pm Another B and B lady wrote:
Because the torrent of abuse and nonsense that the arrival of a Premier Inn generates on this forum was hilarious. ‘Q’ rightly wonders what everyone feels now that it is a) passable looking, b) obviously hugely successful and c) appears not to have killed all the b and bs in Town and has not parking totally impossible. It killed the appalling Crown and may yet do for The White Hart, but that may be no bad thing as both establishments do nothing for the reputation of the Town for accommodation. The arrival of new all day bars and restaurants may well have a more detrimental effect on several of the smaller independent cafes in Town.
On 1 Oct 2017 at 3:41pm Deja Vu wrote:
Another corporation paying minimum wage to the minions while the board get fat...
On the plus side though they did pay some corporation tax even if it was a paltry 15mil on 377mil of profit.
On 1 Oct 2017 at 4:48pm leveller wrote:
Good luck to them....far better then any Lewes independant could offer.
On 1 Oct 2017 at 6:04pm SHS wrote:
@Deja Vu. A job is a job, to put on a c.v., for gaining experience and subsequently giving more likelihood of a better job either with the same company or with another company. Even on minimum wage, far better than no job and no experience. We need local jobs.
On 1 Oct 2017 at 6:08pm @leveller wrote:
You don't know that and if you factor it down to how much of that contribution was paid by the Lewes hotel I seriously doubt it was more than most Lewes independants, 377 was the group as a whole including whitbread and costa sales. Less than 5% is pretty pathetic, hmrc at their finest...
On 1 Oct 2017 at 11:52pm Sparkly wrote:
Well I wish they would open up tix for bonfire night instead of squirrelling them away for their mates...
On 2 Oct 2017 at 12:22pm bobobob wrote:
@SHS. A full time job that you can't afford to live on is tax payers subsidising business operations through benefits.

That aside, good for lewes and fits in nicely imo. At least Aqua gives everyone something to debate on here
On 2 Oct 2017 at 7:12pm The Twister wrote:
Went into Lewes on Saturday night. Friars walk car park was completely full with cars driving around looking for a space. I've never seen this happen in the evening in 20 years. I leave you to decide.

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